
Shortlist for the Margaret and Colin Roderick Literary Award 2024 announced

Shortlist for the Margaret and Colin Roderick Literary Award 2024 announced

The Foundation for Australian Literary Studies (FALS) at James Cook University has announced the shortlist for the Margaret and Colin Roderick Literary Award, worth US$50,000.

The eight titles shortlisted for the 2024 prize from 235 entries are:

  • Lola in the mirror (Trent Dalton, Fourth Estate)
  • Life as we knew it: The extraordinary story of the pandemic in Australia (Aisha Dow & Melissa Cunningham, authors)
  • The restless Dolly Maunder (Kate Grenville, lyrics)
  • Two sparrowhawks in a lonely sky (Rebecca Lim, A&U Children)
  • The conversion (Amanda Lohrey, text)
  • Edenglassia (Melissa Lucaschenko, UQP)
  • A brilliant life (Rachelle Unreich, Hachette)
  • Commendable (Alexis Wright, Giramondo).

The prize will be awarded to a book first published in Australia in the current year that “deals with any aspect of Australian life”. The 2024 award judging panel will be Leigh Dale (Chair), Mary Vernon and Susan K Martin.

The winner, who will receive a cash prize and the HT Priestley Memorial Medal, will be announced in October.

Category: Awards Local News

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