
John Barrowman helps “a lot of young people inside me” come out

John Barrowman helps “a lot of young people inside me” come out

John Barrowman is told by “dozens of young men” that they helped them come out as gay.

The “Torchwood” star came out to his parents in 1992 because he was afraid of being infected with HIV. However, he didn’t tell the world until much later in life and the theater star loves being able to help others.

He told Yours magazine: “I was one of the first people to come out publicly. And I know that was helpful for a lot of young men.”

“I’ll be approached at a convention and told that someone found it easier to come out because their parents liked me and I didn’t make a secret of being gay. The way I see it, I’m here to enjoy my life, but I also believe that I’m here to help other people – and they give me a lot back. I know that my ‘fan family’, as I call them, is there for me no matter what.

I’m not a man who regrets things. Why should I? You can’t change the past.”

He previously wrote of his coming out story: “I realized I was gay when I was 13. Although in my gut I’d known it since I was 9, when I saw my first girl’s magazine and was more interested in the male parts than the female bobs. When the time came to tell people, I flew home to see my family. It was 1992, and I was playing Raoul in The Phantom of the Opera in London. I was sick and had a low-grade fever and stomach cramps. I was sexually active and feared the worst. My parents and I were sitting at the table and I said, ‘I’m gay and I need an HIV test.’ That night we went out to dinner and both admitted that my news had not been a revelation. The next day I took an HIV test. While I was waiting for the news, I traveled to Milwaukee to visit Carole and her husband Kevin. I explained that I was home because I was sick. I told them I was going to do some tests. I also called my brother and his response was, “It doesn’t change anything.” In the end, the test was negative. I did have a stomach infection and a chest infection though. I called Carole and told her what the test was for and she just said, “Hmm, what else is new?” It seemed like my family knew I was gay – so much for my big news.”

John had previously stated that he was fired from a show because he refused to hide his sexuality.

He claimed that he had to hide his relationship with his current husband Scott Gill during the filming of the US soap “Central Park West”.

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