
South Dakota Art Museum receives highest national recognition

South Dakota Art Museum receives highest national recognition

SDSU Marketing & Communications

BROOKINGS – The South Dakota Art Museum at South Dakota State University has again received accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums, the highest national recognition given to the nation’s museums.

Accreditation is a sign to the museum community, governments, funders, outside entities, and the museum public. The South Dakota Art Museum has been accredited since 1976. All museums accredited by the Alliance must undergo re-accreditation review at least every 10 years to maintain their accreditation status.

Accreditation by the Alliance brings a museum national recognition for its commitment to excellence, accountability, high professional standards, and continuous institutional improvement. Developed and maintained by museum professionals for over 50 years, the Alliance Museum Accreditation Program is the industry’s premier tool for quality assurance, self-regulation, and public accountability. It strengthens the museum profession by promoting practices that enable leaders to make informed decisions, allocate resources wisely, and remain financially and ethically responsible to provide the best possible service to the public.

“Reaccreditation by the American Alliance of Museums is a tremendous achievement that reaffirms the South Dakota Art Museum’s commitment to excellence in the preservation and communication of visual art,” said Donna Merkt, museum director. “It underscores our role as an important cultural institution in South Dakota and beyond.”

Of the estimated 33,000 museums in the country, about 1,100 are currently accredited. The South Dakota Art Museum was the first museum in South Dakota to be accredited by the Alliance and is one of only four accredited museums in the state.

“The South Dakota Art Museum’s renewed accreditation by the American Alliance of Museums is another example of the museum’s high standards and outstanding contributions to South Dakota State University, the state and the region,” said SDSU President Barry Dunn. “I am proud of the hard work of the museum staff as they advance SDSU’s mission, enrich the lives of visitors by curating and hosting high-quality art exhibitions, providing outstanding educational programs and outreach, and connecting the campus with the communities.”

Accreditation is a very rigorous but extremely rewarding process that examines all aspects of museum operations. To receive accreditation, a museum must first complete a one-year self-study and then undergo an on-site visit by a team of peer reviewers. The American Alliance of Museums Commission on Accreditation, an independent and autonomous body of museum professionals, reviews the self-study and the visiting committee’s report to decide whether a museum should receive accreditation.

“Accreditation is a tremendous accomplishment,” said Marilyn Jackson, president and CEO of the American Alliance of Museums. “The process demonstrates an institution’s commitment to best practices and is flexible enough to be undertaken by museums of any size.”

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