
First-party data is your marketing partner

First-party data is your marketing partner

The essentials

  • First-party data is critical. First-party data offers greater accuracy and better personalization, making it critical for modern marketing.
  • Data protection creates trust. Using first-party data with customer consent builds trust and loyalty, which is essential for long-term success.
  • Goodbye, cookies. Moving from third-party cookies to first-party data isn’t just inevitable – it’s the smartest move for future-proof marketing.

As with some relationships, sometimes we need to move on. This is the case with third-party cookies and digital advertising. The future lies in first-party data and how it influences the way we interact with customers.

While reliance on third-party cookies used to be standard, developments in recent years have sparked a number of new trends. Consumers want relevant and timely experiences, but not at the expense of their privacy. And yet, some things don’t change. Marketing teams must continue to measure the impact of these valuable advertising dollars.

Nobody had time to wait around…we had work to do!

The rise of first-party data in digital marketing

Teams needed to deliver personalized experiences while tracking ROI, all while also being wary of losing access to third-party data. That’s where first-party data came in. Because it was higher quality and more timely than its third-party cousins, many marketers realized that first-party data was better.

Related article: What now? First-party data strategies in the Cookiepocalypse apocalypse

Why first-party data is crucial for personalized marketing

First-party data collected directly from buyers, such as current customers or website visitors, is typically more complete and accurate, making it critical to delivering relevant experiences. This first-party data, provided with consent, also builds deeper trust with customers.

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