
Woman discovers her husband had nude photos of his ex on his phone for 15 years! And now comes a terrible twist!

Woman discovers her husband had nude photos of his ex on his phone for 15 years! And now comes a terrible twist!

A wife’s world – and her self-confidence – recently collapsed when she discovered a pile of old nude photos of her husband’s ex on his phone.

How crappy would it feel to find out that your significant other not only still finds his ex very attractive, but also thinks about him and regularly uses his photos for masturbation? Yuck… That’s the problem one woman is currently facing, according to her post on Reddit.

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The anonymous user posted on the popular r/Relationship advice Forum this week, and revealed that while trying to access the popular TikTok Following the trend of comparing photos she had taken of her husband with those he had taken of her, she made the heartbreaking discovery that he had kept nude photos of his ex for not one, not two, but 15 YEARS! She wrote:

“He went out with his new phone and left his old one behind. I looked through his photos and found nude photos of his ex from before we were together. That means he’s kept them for over 15 years.”

So gross! And what’s even more disgusting: It was obvious that he went to great lengths to keep the photos:

“Not only that, but because they were originally in a fake calculator app, he had to manually transfer them to every single new phone he had (about 5 or 6 phones, I think) by removing them from the locked fake calculator app and putting them in Google Photos, links his Google account to his new phone, saves the images to his phone, then moves them to the fake calculator app and deletes them from Google Photos.”

5 OR 6 PHONES?? Oh my goodness! Really, dude??

After the terrible discovery, the operation began to get out of control:

“After all these years, that means he had the pictures of my birth, our wedding day, his vows at the altar, his proposal (an embarrassing proposal he wasn’t aware of), our trip to our tenth wedding anniversary on his phone… all the while, those pictures of her were in his pocket.”

This is just shit. Plain and simple!

She of course confronted him about the pictures and he said they were “just porn for him” while he was “on business trips.” Uh, that doesn’t make him sound much better! He has a wife! Why couldn’t he use her pictures?? Or at least ANYONE who wasn’t literally his ex!

The angry wife deleted all traces of the pictures, but unfortunately this was not enough to restore her shattered self-confidence. She wrote:

“I always thought she was very pretty, but over the years I had two children and a major health problem, so naturally I gained weight over the years. So the next day I went into a downward spiral. I got a tan, did my nails, got my hair done, and took new photos of myself. I wanted him to find me attractive and not want (or miss) her photos anymore. It’s been about four months now, and I still fall back into that horrible mindset and keep changing my appearance.”

Poor woman! And seriously, how disgusting of that guy. He has a whole family with that girl!

She added that she has since re-searched his electronics to see if he has any other “incriminating” evidence, which he does not. She also noted that the ex in question was his “first,” so she asked other Reddit users if that was normal. But there’s one major factor that makes this whole situation even more disgusting and downright illegal… She and her husband are both 32, so you subtract 15 from that and what do you get?? 17!!! So if the girl in the photos was the same age as him, she would only be 17 YEARS OLD! MINOR! THOSE WERE THE PHOTOS????

In the replies, other Reddit users clearly expressed their disgust:

“Uh, isn’t that child pornography then?”

“Wow. Now I’m absolutely disgusted. I was before. But that was the icing on the cake.”

“Oh MY GOD. He jerks off in front of an underage girl?!”

“He is an absolute creep because he keeps the photos”

Others urged the author of the post to think more about how much effort her husband went to in keeping the pictures, and saw this as a big warning sign:

“The problem is that he hid and went through everything. Forget the photos and ask him why he hid them and, above all, lied for so long.”

“Oh hell no, it’s one thing to watch and use porn, but it’s another thing entirely to store it in an app on your phone that’s meant to be a secret, especially from your ex… This is not normal, don’t let him tell you, he’s obviously hiding this for a reason.”

“Also ask this question…if this ex found out he was keeping her pictures and still jerking his dick to them, how would she feel? I would be disgusted. If it’s for anyone’s benefit, they should be deleted for her because we don’t know if she’s still OK with him using her pictures for this kind of thing.”

Such a disgusting situation! What do you think?

(Images via Universal Pictures/YouTube)

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