
Five scientifically proven ways to live longer and healthier

Five scientifically proven ways to live longer and healthier

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (Ivanhoe Newswire) – People born in the United States today have an average life expectancy of 79 years.

A century ago, that age was closer to 54. We’ve learned a lot about what helps us live to 70, 80, 90, and even 100. Don’t smoke, drink alcohol in moderation, eat healthy, and exercise – this advice always seems too general. But we’ve found five very concrete, science-based things you can do today that will extend your life by a decade or more.

Don’t do this… limit this… and do this often – we’ve all heard that this is the key to a long life. But there’s more!

No, you don’t need to take more steps. Instead, a new study from Tulane University found that if you take at least 50 steps up the stairs each day, you can reduce your risk of heart disease by 20 percent.

Lu Qi, MD, PhD, Dir., Obesity Research Center at Tulane University says, “You don’t have to go to the gym. You can do this every day.”

And as for diet, a study of nearly half a million participants found that those who switched from soda and processed meat to whole grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables and fish lived an average of ten years longer.

Avoid salt. For the first time, salt consumption has been linked to a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Doctor Qi says: “Salting food is a behavioral variable, it is an eating behavior.”

Researchers believe that salt causes people to eat larger portions, increasing their risk of obesity and inflammation.

Also, find ways to manage your stress. This will reduce your risk of early death by 22 percent. Other ways to combat stress: stick to a daily routine, limit screen time, and stay connected with others. And get good sleep. The key word – good. That means seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep. With ways to live a longer, healthier life.

How much do your genes play a role in how long you live? The New England Centenarian study found that genes account for less than a third of your chances of living to age 85. The rest depends on your lifestyle.

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