
You can now ruin your Instagram photos with text and stickers

You can now ruin your Instagram photos with text and stickers

There’s an old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words, so why add words to a picture? I personally don’t know, but Instagram seems to think this is a good option.

Instagram introduces new text tools for everyone

As described in a post on the Instagram Creators Blog, Instagram has introduced several new text tools to help creators stand out.

The most important feature is the ability to add text and stickers to your photos, which means your amazing smartphone photos can be obscured by a meaningless font or another photo superimposed over the original.

Instagram is also adding new fonts, animations, and effects that you can use in Reels and Stories, which can be mixed and matched to at least make you feel unique and stand out from the crowd.

Finally, you can now create carousels of up to 20 photos or videos, and when you use those text tools, you can really create a wonderful mess.

How to use Instagram’s new text tools

Examples of Instagram's new text tools applied to photos

Using Instagram’s new text tools is self-explanatory and user-friendly, as you would expect.

To add text to a photo, simply tap the text Click the button after selecting the photo you want to publish in your feed. And to add another photo as a sticker, tap the gallery button at the top right of the screen. You can then change the shape of the sticker by tapping it.

To view the new fonts, open the text and tap the text button. Once you find one you like, you can animate it or add an effect.

To create a longer carousel, tap post and add as many photos or videos as you want (up to a maximum of 20).

I’m an Instagram purist, but you do

To be clear, you could already ruin your photos with text and stickers, but only if you used a third-party app like Canva before uploading your shot to Instagram. Now, thanks to these new text tools for creatives, you can ruin your photos right in the Instagram app.

I have to admit that I’m something of an Instagram purist and only use it to upload carefully selected and edited shots, so I’m not going to ruin any of my smartphone photos by writing all over it. But if that sounds like your thing, have fun with it.

And why not add a song to your Instagram profile to further emphasize the MySpace factor?

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