
The true story behind Samsung’s 600-mile solid-state battery

The true story behind Samsung’s 600-mile solid-state battery


  • Samsung’s 600-mile range solid-state battery could revolutionize electric vehicles by offering greater range and faster charging times, setting new standards.
  • Solid-state batteries replace lithium-ion batteries, increase energy density and safety, and thus represent a groundbreaking innovation in the electric vehicle market.
  • Challenges regarding scaling production and costs remain, but collaboration between companies could accelerate the adoption of solid-state batteries in the future.

While electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming an increasingly large part of the automotive industry, capturing an eight percent market share according to recent data, battery technology is one of the biggest hurdles to dominance. Sure, something like hydrogen fuel cells are a potentially viable alternative in the future, but likely the next big trend in the world of electric vehicles is Solid-state batteries and companies like Samsung are pushing the boundaries of what a battery-powered electric vehicle can do.

At SNE Battery Day 2024, Samsung was the star of the show with the announcement of its groundbreaking 600-mile range solid-state battery. Creating a buzz in the EV segment and across the automotive industry, the promise of batteries with this level of capability is a major milestone on the road to an all-electric future. As the world transitions to sustainable mobility, Samsung’s latest advancement could redefine consumer expectations of electric vehicles and potentially set new standards in range, safety and performance.

To provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information possible, the data used to create this article comes from various manufacturer websites and other authoritative sources, including Samsung and MSN.


A solid-state battery with a range of 2,100 kilometers could become a reality

Talent New Energy, a relative newcomer to the electric vehicle battery industry, has promised a solid-state battery that could outperform the rest of the electric vehicle industry.

Why Samsung’s 600-mile solid-state battery is a game-changer

Solid state battery car, blue illustration
JLStock | Shutterstock

Breakthroughs in battery technology

Solid-state batteries like Samsung’s are not only more powerful than the usual lithium-ion batteries, but they are also safer. By replacing the liquid electrolyte in traditional lithium-ion batteries with a solid electrolyte, Samsung has increased the energy density to 500 watt-hours (Wh) per kilogram (kg), which is roughly double the rated power of a traditional EV battery. This technology is also safer, reducing the risk of overheating and possible fires, which has always been a major concern with EV batteries.

Potential impact on the EV market

The introduction of a solid-state battery with a 600-mile range could transform the electric vehicle market and buyer perceptions. The range anxiety that has long been a barrier to wider EV adoption could become a thing of the past as drivers become increasingly confident in the range of these new batteries. With fewer charging stops required on long journeys, EVs could become more practical and attractive to a wider range of drivers, especially those who have previously been hesitant to switch from petrol-powered cars.

Beyond mere consumer perception, Samsung’s new battery could help spark a new wave of innovation across the electric vehicle industry. As other manufacturers race to develop their own solid-state batteries, the competition could lead to rapid advances in battery performance, cost and availability. This could accelerate the transition to electric vehicles on a global scale and help meet growing demand for environmentally friendly transportation while setting new industry standards for range, efficiency and safety.


15 companies are working tirelessly on solid-state batteries

Solid-state batteries make electric vehicles more practical and efficient and will reshape the future of sustainable energy.

The technical details of Samsung’s new solid-state battery

An illustration of a lithium-ion battery and a solid-state battery

How solid-state batteries work

Solid-state batteries work on a fundamentally different principle than the traditional lithium-ion batteries found in most electric vehicles today. In a solid-state battery, the liquid electrolyte used to transport ions between the anode and cathode is replaced by a solid electrolyte, a material with a much higher energy density. Samsung’s design specifically uses a solid sulfide electrolyte, which is known for its high ionic conductivity and stability.

In addition, solid-state batteries offer improved longevity and efficiency. Samsung’s battery, for example, is said to have a lifespan of up to 20 years. This technology also enables faster charging times, as the solid electrolyte can handle higher voltages and currents without the risk of overheating. Together, these advances make solid-state batteries a promising option for the next generation of electric vehicles.

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Main features of the Samsung battery

Solid-state batteries

Samsung’s new solid-state battery packs several key features that will immediately catch the eye of anyone in the EV community. The most striking of these is its 600-mile range, a step above what current lithium-ion batteries can do. This extended range addresses one of the biggest challenges in the EV market, range anxiety, by providing enough juice for long drives without frequent charging. Adding to this impressive range is the battery’s estimated nine-minute charge time to 80 percent of its capacity, which is insane when you think about it. For comparison, some of the fastest-charging cars on the market take around 15 to 20 minutes (or more) to hit that mark.

Samsung’s battery also has a remarkable lifespan of up to 20 years, far exceeding the lifespan of conventional batteries. Tesla’s current batteries for example, degrade by about 12 to 15 percent after 200,000 miles and are expected to last about that many years. Replacing an EV battery is one of the most expensive repairs possible, and such a longevity reduces the likelihood of it being necessary. Additionally, solid-state batteries like these are smaller and lighter than their lithium-ion counterparts, increasing efficiency and performance even further.


This new solid-state battery design offers a 10-minute charge and 6,000 cycles

A new battery design is intended to prevent stray lithium from passing through solid-state batteries.

Challenges and potential problems with solid-state batteries

Development of a solid-state battery by Nissan

Current restrictions and obstacles

One of the main obstacles to the breakthrough of solid-state batteries is the high production costs. The materials and processes required for production Solid-state batteries are currently more expensive than traditional lithium-ion batteries. This cost factor could make it difficult to produce these batteries on a large scale and keep prices competitive for consumers in the short term.

Another limitation is the complexity of scaling up production. While lab-scale production has shown great potential, large-scale manufacturing of solid-state batteries presents significant technical challenges. Issues such as material consistency and ensuring the longevity of the solid electrolyte have yet to be fully resolved. These hurdles could delay the mass production of solid-state batteries and delay their availability on the market.

What Samsung doesn’t talk about

While Samsung’s solid-state battery is a notable innovation, there are potential concerns that have not been discussed in depth. One concern is how these batteries actually perform under different conditions. Factors such as extreme temperatures or heavy use over a long period of time can affect battery efficiency and lifespan, raising questions about how well these batteries perform in everyday use. However, Samsung shipped the first batch of batteries earlier this year and has received positive feedback so far.

Another potential issue is the recyclability of solid-state batteries. The materials used in these batteries, if mass produced, could require new recycling processes that are not yet fully developed. This could lead to environmental problems if these batteries are widely used without a clear plan for their end-of-life management. Although Samsung predicts that these batteries will last for two decades, they will eventually reach the end of their life. And it’s important to have a plan for that day long before that day comes.


What nobody tells you about solid-state batteries

Solid-state batteries could offer enormous advantages over current lithium-ion battery technology, but they are not quite there yet.

The future of solid-state batteries in the electric vehicle industry

NIO ES6 solid-state battery

Ongoing research and development

The Development of solid-state batteries including Samsung’s 600-mile version, marks just the beginning of what could be a new era in EV technology. Research and development efforts are ongoing, with various companies looking at ways to improve the efficiency, safety and cost-effectiveness of EV batteries. Innovations such as alternative solid electrolytes and new manufacturing techniques are being explored to overcome current limitations and pave the way for large-scale production.

One factor that will likely help this technology advance even faster is collaboration between brands and companies. With Samsung seemingly leading the way right now, it’s reasonable to assume that other manufacturers will follow suit and either try to keep up with Samsung or join forces to catch up with the Korean tech company. Either way, it’s a good thing for consumers and enthusiasts when big companies start to pool their resources and efforts to make this happen. Competition leads to speed, efficiency, and lower costs.

Market acceptance and consumer perception

A prototype of Toyota's solid-state battery was shown at a technical workshop.

While the technology behind solid-state batteries is promising, market adoption will depend on several factors. Consumers’ willingness to embrace this new technology will depend on its proven reliability, safety, and affordability. If solid-state batteries can deliver on their promise of longer range, faster charging, and longer life at a competitive price, they could quickly gain ground in the EV market.

However, aside from the technological and production hurdles that solid-state batteries face, they could also drive vehicle prices too high for the average consumer. Currently, Samsung is only testing these batteries in the premium EV segment, suggesting they could be a bit expensive for most people.

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