
Artist of the week: Derek Schuetz

Artist of the week: Derek Schuetz

Derek Schuetz is an oil on canvas painter who focuses on pets, people and landscapes.

Seattle Refined: How long have you been working as an artist? What media do you work with?
I started drawing as a child and received a formal introduction to painting at the University of Washington. I have been painting with oil on canvas (and sometimes on board) for 20 years.

Can you tell us something about your artistic process and the different phases in it?
My approach depends on whether I am capturing a moment that is meaningful to a particular person or whether I am capturing a moment in the work that is meaningful to me.

Most of the work I do, where I capture a moment in a person’s life, is a portrait: a snapshot of a beloved memory – a look or expression from the person that captures their essence. I talk to the person to understand what they were experiencing in that moment and what emotions are emanating from the person.

If the subject is available, I arrange a photo shoot to capture various images. More commonly, these paintings are portraits in memory. In these cases, I work with the client to get the best and most important references and use those as the subject of my painting. I go through several photos to understand the range of moods and movements of the subject and identify typical angles, positions and expressions. Sometimes the quality of the photo reference is poor, it has a very distracting background, or was shot from very awkward and foreshortened angles. So the next step in my process is to create a digital representation of the image, correct the colors, and change the background and foreground as needed to give the client a visual representation of what I feel will create the best composition. I have found that this helps the person focus on the details that mean the most to them in the memory.

When I choose a subject for landscape paintings, I like to look for unique and magnificent environments with bright colors, in addition to the theme I have already chosen for the series. Sometimes I source my images from friends and fellow photographers with their permission.

Tell us where the inspiration for your art comes from.
My inspiration and desire to create art comes from within. I feel like I was born to create. When I’m not painting, I like to work with wood to let my creativity flow. I’m drawn to the incredible beauty of this planet and the colors our Creator has brought into our lives.

Is there a particular theme you like best – nature, food, profiles, etc.?
My favorite subjects are nature and pets. Both bring me joy in different ways. Nature is impressive and difficult to understand, and pets have unique personalities that are nice to highlight in a portrait.

Is there a piece of art that means more to you or that is very special to you?
I do. My favorite and most precious painting is a painting I did for my wife of her beloved dog Rocco. The photo I’m using as a reference was taken the day before he died and reflects his personality better than I could ever explain. A close second would be a film noir style portrait of my wife, so if I could only save one, I’d take both since they hang right next to each other in the same room.

What experiences in your life have most influenced your art?
Hmmm. I would say I had some good teachers who put me on the right path when needed and pushed me to do better. Also the moment when my wife pushed me to focus solely on painting was a big part of my artistic story.

If we want to see more of your work, where should we look?
You can find me on my website Prints and some originals can be ordered directly through my website. You can reach me at [email protected] for any art related questions or inquiries, or if anyone would prefer to speak to me directly about my art.

What’s next for you? Are you currently working on something that really excites you?
I am very excited about the future. I am working on a new landscape series that I am not revealing here yet. I am continuing to try to increase my client base for commissioned work and I have started teaching oil painting in a personal and private setting where I can tailor the lessons depending on what the student wants to achieve and their current level of knowledge and techniques.

And finally: How do you drink your coffee? (We ask everyone!)
I drink my coffee with lots of cream and lots of sugar. But sometimes I just drink Coca-Cola.

About Artist of the Week: This city is full of artists we love to feature each week on Seattle Refined! If you know of a local artist you’d like to see featured, let us know at [email protected]. And if you’re wondering what makes art, that’s the beauty of it; it’s up to you! See all of our previous Artist of the Week in our special section.

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