
Brief: A brilliant new way to help wildlife

Brief: A brilliant new way to help wildlife

The first-ever wildlife overpass on Colorado’s Interstate 70 could be in our neighborhood – at the scenic overlook at Vail Pass. Imagine driving under a land bridge covered in shrubs, grasses and trees, with moose, bears, Canadian lynx, deer and other wildlife walking across it – instead of animal carcasses on the road.

This would be a spectacular sight to match the “Welcome to Eagle County” sign.

Wildlife overpasses around the world have helped wildlife with their necessary natural movement and land cover. They exist in France, Germany, South America, Australia, China, Bulgaria, Canada, Singapore, Japan and the Netherlands (with over 600), Costa Rica and over 1,500 in the USA in 43 statesincluding Los Angeles. They have proven themselves on Highway 9 in Grand County, where the number of wildlife accidents has been reduced by 90%.

According to the Colorado Wildlife CouncilColorado generates $3.25 billion annually (plus 25,000 jobs) from hunting, fishing and wildlife tourism. Wildlife crossings help maintain the health of wildlife and our ecosystem for hunting and wildlife tourism – if we want to maintain it all.

Thank you, Eagle County Board of Commissioners, for supporting these wildlife crossings. I encourage you to donate $500,000 to help the project complete engineering design and maximize its competitiveness for federal construction grants.

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Please email the Commissioners for assistance: [email protected] or attend one of our upcoming Tuesday meetings to provide public comment and advocate for the full $500,000 requested to reach this milestone. Our wildlife would thank you – if they could.

Kate Sheldon

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