
When she goes out to eat with her boyfriend, he insists on only one meal and splitting the bill – Chip Chick

When she goes out to eat with her boyfriend, he insists on only one meal and splitting the bill – Chip Chick

Splitting the bill with your partner can be a tricky subject as it involves many sensitive aspects, whether you are aware of them or not.

Your perception of fairness or financial dynamics, as well as expectations and equality in a relationship, can play a role in who ends up paying what.

This 27-year-old woman has a 35-year-old boyfriend who makes very little money at his job. She believes this is the reason for what he does when they go out to dinner.

When she and her boyfriend are at a restaurant, he insists on sharing only one meal and the bill.

This bothers her a lot, but she hasn’t mentioned it to her boyfriend because he is unsure about his income and she is afraid of making him feel even worse about his financial situation.

In addition, she suffers from body dysmorphia and has problems with eating, so she cannot bring herself to express her appetite for more at dinner with her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend, on the other hand, sits back and talks about how full he feels every time they share a small meal, thereby nipping any opportunity to say anything in the bud.

“For example, last night we had sushi and I suggested we each take two hand rolls and share a crispy rice with spicy tuna,” she explained.

“He scoffed and said one hand roll (they’re tiny, I should mention) per person was more than enough, and I couldn’t even look him in the eye for the rest of the evening.”

rilueda – – for illustration purposes only, not the actual persons

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