
Senator John McKeon’s Daily Delegate Update at the 2024 Democratic National Convention

Senator John McKeon’s Daily Delegate Update at the 2024 Democratic National Convention

This weekend, over 50,000 people from across the country descended on Chicago for the opening of the 2024 Democratic National Convention. It has been 28 years since our party last held a convention in the Windy City, and this year marks the 12th time Chicago has hosted a convention—more than any other city. This historic gathering is a testament to the enduring strength and unity of our party, which has come together every four years since 1832, when we nominated Andrew Jackson for a second term.

This convention has special meaning for me as this is my first time running as a delegate. I am honored to support Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz in their overwhelming election results. As one of over 5,000 delegates representing the Democratic Party this week, I want to take you into the heart of the convention and share with you the energy, excitement and optimism that can be found in every corner of the Second City.

On my flight from Newark to O’Hare, I was surrounded by other delegates, staff and volunteers, all with a common goal: to usher in the next chapter of Democratic leadership. Among them was a dedicated young woman working for the Harris-Walz campaign. Dressed in red, white and blue, she told her story – how she started working for Biden-Harris as a staffer in 2020 and quickly joined the team for a second term. Like many Americans, she is deeply grateful for President Biden’s dedication and his selfless decision to put the country before himself and withdraw from the presidential race. In doing so, he was able to pave the way for a new generation of Democratic leadership.

Her enthusiasm reflects what we’re seeing across the country. As an organizer, she’s seen record numbers of volunteers step up to support this new slate and offer their time, energy and money to help Vice President Harris win in November. In the past month alone, the Harris-Walz campaign has raised an incredible $310 million in donations, and nearly 200,000 people have come forward to do phone canvassing, get-out-the-vote work and participate in the campaign trails across the country.

This unprecedented level of grassroots engagement is a clear sign that we are on the road to victory. It’s not just Democratic insiders who are excited – people across America are genuinely excited about this campaign. You can see it all over social media. You can’t scroll through Instagram or TikTok without seeing someone, young or old, participating in viral trends supporting Harris and Walz. We’re all having a Brat Summer!

Americans are excited, hopeful, and ready for change. This is not a rejection of President Biden’s accomplishments. Quite the opposite! It is a recognition that the American people are expecting a generational change, as President Kennedy declared in 1961: “The torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans.” Kamala Harris is now that new generation. If elected, she will be the first Generation X president and the first woman, the first Black American, and the first South Asian to hold the office of Commander in Chief.

Tonight, as we begin our convention, we celebrate President Biden’s incredible legacy and the countless accomplishments he has achieved.For the people“ during his more than 50 years of service in the public sector.

But now it’s time for Democrats to show the American people that we are still the party that fights for working and middle class families, defends women’s right to self-determination, and stands firm in our commitment to preserving democracy around the world. The stakes are now low, and the contrast with our opponents couldn’t be greater. Believe me when I say: The others have no plan. They don’t care about you. They’re just weird!

As this week progresses, I want to continue sharing my experiences and observations from the Congress. Together, we will make history in November.

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