
The Red-Green Alliance will wreak anti-Jewish havoc – first at the Democratic Party Convention, then at the universities

The Red-Green Alliance will wreak anti-Jewish havoc – first at the Democratic Party Convention, then at the universities

It looks like there will be aggressive and violent protests by Israel and America-hating groups at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next week.

It is an unholy alliance of extreme leftists and anarchists on the one hand and Islamists and Hamas-friendly terror supporters on the other.

Often referred to as the Red-Green Alliance, it is an alliance of Marxist and Islamist groups that have nothing in common ideologically, united in their common opposition to Western civilization and capitalism. They attack Jews and Israel as proxies for everything they hate, and ignorant “useful idiots” join the alliance.

On our website Legal Insurrection we have been following this red-green alliance for over a decade.

Groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine, American Muslims for Palestine, and Jewish Voice for Peace (which is neither Jewish nor pro-peace), and many others, have aligned themselves with and manipulated “social justice” movements and diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts to turn campuses into Jew-free zones. For example, a judge recently found that this is what happened at UCLA.

We saw this red-green alliance during the anti-Israel riots at Columbia University, where pro-Hamas groups joined forces with the Black Lives Matter organization.

The Democrats added fuel to the red-green fire by allowing the party to be pressured by anti-Israel groups to nominate Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro as vice president.

Shapiro would have been the ideal Democratic candidate, a highly popular liberal governor of a crucial swing state.

However, he appeared too pro-Israeli to party activists.

The resistance against Shapiro, who is of Jewish descent, also had a distinctly anti-Semitic aspect.

Democratic activist and commentator Van Jones noted, “There is an anti-Semitism in this party that has taken hold as well. … How much of what just happened is bringing down some of those darker parts of the party?”

The extremist Democratic Socialists of America and anti-Israel Islamist groups joined forces to warn Kamala Harris that she would face hell if she nominated Shapiro.

Throwing Shapiro to the red-green wolves was like pouring blood into shark-infested waters and increasing the likelihood of violence at the DNC and on campuses.

Appeasing the mob, as the Democrats and university administrators have done, never works.

The Red-Green Alliance groups have already received the green light for a “March on the DNC,” which will be repeated on campuses.

Expect dangerous traffic blockades, intimidation and harassment of pro-Israel and pro-American delegates and passersby on the streets.

These protest marches could ultimately resemble the riots and looting of George Floyd.

The expulsion of Zionists from the Democratic Party goes hand in hand with the expulsion of Zionists from campus and the creation of Jew-free zones.

Many of the groups behind the march on the DNC – the national SJP, the Palestinian Youth Movement, and the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights – are leading actors in the anti-Zionist purge on campuses.

For example, SJP departments were instructed to reserve space on the anniversary of October 7 for “resistance events” in which Jewish students were mocked and ridiculed for the massacre.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is preparing for protests by an unofficial SJP group that considers itself the “voice of Hamas.”

It advocates an “armed uprising” using “all necessary means”.

Columbia University is bracing for anti-Semitic protests and has begun locking down the campus as more students arrive for the new semester, limiting access to campus to those with a valid campus ID.

The situation at Harvard is so bad that the administration is considering banning messages written in chalk, a downright ridiculous and shady measure.

Surely protesters hell-bent on destroying a nation and its people will not be dissuaded if the privileges of writing in chalk are withdrawn.

Meanwhile, the Young Democratic Socialists of America (JDC) is calling on students at over 100 colleges and universities to participate in a protest called the “Student Strike for Palestine” at the beginning of the next academic year and to urge their respective institutions to withdraw their funding from Israel.

It’s about creating an atmosphere of intimidation.

Who will stand up to these groups and their financiers?

Who will tell them to stop?

We know that Democrats and college administrators will not do that.

The streets surrounding the DNC will be filled with anger and hatred, just as the campuses will be this fall.

Unless real backbone is shown by political and academic leaders, there will be more Jew-free zones on college campuses across the country, like the one at UCLA.

William A. Jacobson is a clinical professor of law at Cornell University and founder of the Equal Protection Project (, where Kemberlee Kaye is operations and editorial director.

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