
Walking after eating is a scientifically proven method for losing weight, but timing is crucial

Walking after eating is a scientifically proven method for losing weight, but timing is crucial

A walk after eating may be the last thing you feel like doing, but if you’re trying to lose weight, studies show that taking short walks right after meals can help you reach your goal.

In 2011, the International Journal of General Medicine compared the benefits of a 30-minute walk immediately after a meal with a 30-minute walk an hour after eating. After just one month of walking for 30-60 minutes immediately after lunch and dinner, participants had lost between 1.5 and 3 kg.

The study authors attribute this to the reduction of blood sugar spikes: “It is quite clear that walking suppresses the rise in glucose after a meal,” they write. “Since glucose levels peak 30-60 minutes after a meal, walking must be started before glucose levels peak because once insulin is released, it plays a role as an obesity hormone. It is reasonable to assume that it is optimal to start walking as early as possible to keep blood sugar levels under control.”

It’s worth noting that only two people participated in this particular experiment, but since then two larger studies have been published on the benefits of walking immediately after eating in terms of regulating blood sugar levels.

In 2020, the European Journal of Physiology analyzed 48 participants aged 18 to 65 and found that low- to moderate-intensity activities (including walking) “immediately after breakfast reduce postprandial glucose exposure and glucose variability, whereas pre-breakfast activities or delayed post-breakfast activities do not.”

Three years later, in 2023, the journal Sports Medicine published a meta-analysis of eight studies with three interventions in 116 participants. It concluded that “exercise, such as walking for 20 minutes, has an acute beneficial effect on postprandial hyperglycemia (when glucose levels reach an abnormally high level) when performed as soon as possible after a meal.” The authors added, “Longer intervals between eating and exercise attenuate the acute effect on glucose levels.”

So how exactly does it work? We spoke to exercise physiologist Dr. Rebecca Robinson to explain how walking after eating can help you improve your body composition or lose weight, and how long you should walk for to reap the results.

Why is it better to go for a walk immediately after eating to lose weight than to let the meal digest before walking

“Walking immediately after a meal appears to be more effective at lowering both blood sugar (glucose) and the levels of glucose in your interstitial fluid (the thin layer of fluid that surrounds your body’s cells). If you don’t walk immediately, excess glucose in your bloodstream is blocked by insulin and can be stored as fat.

“The contractions of your muscles when walking increase glucose uptake because glucose is metabolized by your muscles for energy. This reduces the amount of sugar in your bloodstream. Digestion also uses glucose for energy, but walking increases your body’s overall metabolic effort after eating.”

So, taking a walk after eating is good for weight loss because it regulates blood sugar levels. But are blood sugar spikes really that bad?

“Blood sugar spikes naturally occur after eating. If your diet is high in refined sugar and high glycemic index carbohydrates, this can increase the amount of insulin needed to store the excess blood sugar that you may not have. If you don’t have enough insulin and then have blood sugar that is too high, it can be stored as fat. This type of fat is often stored in your abdominal area and around your organs, which can lead to increased inflammation and conditions like heart disease.

“When these blood sugar spikes occur regularly over a long period of time, your body becomes less responsive to high glucose spikes, which can lead to insulin resistance – a precursor to type 2 diabetes.”

“A blood sugar spike also often leads to a crash, where your sugar levels rise and your insulin response increases to quickly store glucose. This can cause you to crave more sugary foods and eat more calories, leading to weight gain.

“Taking a walk after a meal high in sugar or refined carbohydrates may help reduce insulin needs and potentially reduce the amount of glucose stored as fat.”

How long should you walk after eating if you want to lose weight?

“Keep the exercise light so your body can digest the food and avoid stomach cramps. Start with little to develop a sustainable habit that you can maintain. A moderate walk of 10 to 20 minutes three to five times a week will likely be beneficial.”

Now reading: I upgraded my walks with a weight vest

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