
Local Lens Reader Photo of the Week – The Taylorsville Times

Local Lens Reader Photo of the Week – The Taylorsville Times


The Taylorsville Times has started publishing a “Photo of the Week” column in the newspaper every week with the help of local readers.

Local Lens: Readers’ Photo of the Week features an image of local interest submitted by a reader in each issue. Possible photo subjects for the weekly feature include people (with their permission) in their daily activities or special events, pets, livestock, wildlife, flowers, notable sunrises, sunsets or other appropriate images. Times staff selects the photo weekly from the submissions.

The times began printing this article in the newspaper on Wednesday, April 3, 2024.

To have a photo you took (it must be your own work) considered for Local Lens, email the image to [email protected]. Please include in the email your name, address, phone number, the names of everyone in the photo, the date and location the photo was taken, and any other relevant information.

Submissions selected for this feature will not receive compensation, but the photographer’s name will be included in the caption.

By submitting photos to Local Lens, the photographer confirms that the image is his own work and grants The Taylorsville Times Permission to use the photo in the print edition and online. The image remains the property of the photographer and is subject to his copyright.

Please do not submit images generated by artificial intelligence (AI).

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