
People in Switzerland commute in interesting ways

People in Switzerland commute in interesting ways

In Switzerland, you can commute properly! While many Americans dread long commutes or crowded subways, people in Switzerland have found a much more relaxing way to commute. Some Swiss commute to work by taking a boat ride on the Aare River. This way, they avoid the heat and rush hour traffic.

Locals in Switzerland travel downstream

Switzerland has some of the cleanest rivers in the world, so it’s no surprise that residents swim in the river for fun to cool off. However, some people have found another use for this river – transportation. According to Business InsiderPeople in the capital Bern often travel on the waves of the Aare with their belongings stowed in waterproof bags.

This Tiktok shows how locals use the Aare every day to get to work and back home.

Many locals go to the store and buy an “Aare bag.” This bag serves as an airtight seal where locals can store their phones, clothes, and other valuables they want to keep dry on their river trip. They then jump into the river in their swimsuits and let the current carry them to work.

Travelling through Switzerland by electricity instead of subway

The Aare is not the only river in Switzerland that is used as a public transport. One hour north of Bern lies the Rhine. People also use this river to travel to work. In addition, Business Insider announced that bathhouses have been built along the river where commuters can shower and change.

American DJ and music producer Diplo decided to act like a local during his visit to Switzerland. He wanted to try out this unique means of transport. He shared his experience on Instagram.

I think I can speak for all of us when I say that I am so jealous of this summer mode of transport in Switzerland. I would much rather be cruising down the river on a nice day than stuck in rush hour traffic.

Although it may seem relaxing, local authorities warn people to always be alert. The rivers have strong currents and there have been tricky situations and accidents for some swimmers. Although swimming and the current are discouraged for work, it is important to always be aware of your surroundings and the weather.

The source of the featured image can be found here.

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