
Florida Democratic Party reacts to latest voter registration totals

Florida Democratic Party reacts to latest voter registration totals

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The Florida Democratic Party issued the following statement in response to recent voter registrations:

“This empty rhetoric is not new – Republicans have used every dirty trick to suppress votes in Florida,” said FDP Chairwoman Nikki Fried“Today’s results are the product of a systematic and coordinated Republican voter suppression tactic that has seen millions of Democratic voters purged from the rolls, marked inactive, and canceled mail-in ballots over the past year.

“Although Republicans in Florida have spent years dismantling voting rights to boost their vote totals and bickering over the voter registration gap, that hasn’t stopped Florida Democrats from winning elections like Jacksonville’s mayoral race or the state’s 35th House District. Both victories demonstrated a growing lack of enthusiasm for the Republican Party and a rising number of independent voters who reject extremism in Florida.

“Since Vice President Kamala Harris entered the race, the Florida Democratic Party has experienced a massive surge, recording the highest increase in new volunteers in the country: More than 18,000 Floridians have signed up to oppose Donald Trump, JD Vance and the extreme Republican Party.

“The Florida Democratic Party has never been better organized to tackle the tough fight ahead of us, narrow the gap, break the two-thirds majority and take back our state – that is what Florida Democrats will focus on from now until Election Day.”

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