
Two pictures tell the story of burned Idaho

Two pictures tell the story of burned Idaho

My buddy Mike McFadyen has a ranch in Camas County.

Used with permission of Mike McFadyen.

Used with permission of Mike McFadyen.

Used with permission of Mike McFadyen.

Used with permission of Mike McFadyen.

Yesterday the skies were clear, but this morning he woke up to heavy haze. Smoky skies are not unusual; in Idaho and the western states. It’s not unusual for large fires to push smoke from west to east across the continent, but Mike lives more than 140 miles south of Stanley, the epicenter of the Wapiti Fire. Either the wind is blowing directly from the north to the south, or the smoke is now so thick in the air that it’s spreading in all directions. Far and wide. Mike’s before and after pictures can be seen above.

The Custer County Sheriff took some photos in Stanley late Wednesday. One wonders how anyone can see his fingers at the ends of his arms.

I’m not going to let this go. The carnage we’re seeing here wasn’t necessary. It’s the result of forest management designed to please the hemp clothing community. Now their efforts to save a garden snail or two have resulted in the loss of wildlife, livestock, pets, homes, and one of America’s most beautiful forests. This is being repeated across the continent by people who are personally driven by emotion and don’t think beyond tomorrow in their actions. We used to say these guys were a few beers short of a six-pack. They weren’t playing at full strength. Or they didn’t have the sharpest tools in the shed.

We called them something different, but I’m not allowed to publish the names.

I’ve been told that honey catches more flies, but arguing over these walking pustules doesn’t work. We need action, and we need it from people in local and state government when the deep state in Washington won’t listen. Who in state government dares to speak up?

Governor Brad Little is issuing executive orders banning boys from playing girls’ sports. It’s headline-grabbing and election-ready. It’s nothing more than a nice gesture. But he’s not going to take any chances while his constituents choke on smoke and watch their homes and farms go up in flames.

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