
The work that shaped me: Johnny Green

The work that shaped me: Johnny Green

Johnny Green is an award-winning composer, producer and creative director with over twenty years experience in the music, film and advertising industries. A talented multi-instrumentalist, Johnny has brought his music to life in large-scale advertising campaigns across Australia, the UK and the USA for brands such as AT&T, Nike, Tourism Tasmania, British Airways, Telstra, Volkswagen and Farmers Insurance “Help Point” (directed by Noam Murro), to name a few.

With accolades from the London International Awards, CLIO and AdFest (Lotus Award), Johnny brings a wealth of experience, leadership and musicianship to Heckler Sound. His tireless drive and passion in further developing his mastery of composition, production and repertoire confirm Johnny’s reputation as a dynamic and engaging composer.

LBB> The most memorable commercial/music video from my childhood…

Johnny> Music Video

The earliest and most unforgettable music video has to be “Run To The Hills” by Iron Maiden. I was about 7 years old and first saw it on TV – probably on Countdown or Rock Around The World. The music video and song immediately appealed to me and probably laid the foundation for my ongoing passion for rock and metal. It wasn’t until my late teens that I understood the deeper message about the historical conflict between Native Americans and European settlers.


I was also impressed by a Corona beer advert from the late 80s with “black and white moving stills” featuring an acoustic guitar solo. I eagerly awaited the broadcast on TV and took the opportunity to learn the guitar parts a little better each time it aired. This was long before YouTube made things easier. I can still play that tune to this day.

LBB> The advertising/music video/game/web platform that made me want to get into the industry…

Johnny> After graduating from college, I was thrown headfirst into the industry and I can safely say that my transformative years at Supersonic were crucial to my professional growth. There were two game-changing ads that really flipped the switch for me: the 2002 Holden Monaro “Game Over” And CHANEL N°5starring Nicole Kidman and directed by Baz Luhrmann. These films showcased the stunning potential of a boutique music and recording studio and reinforced my desire to be a part of that world.

LBB> The creative work (film/album/game/ad/album/book/poem etc.) that I keep returning to…

LBB> My first professional project …

Johnny> I assisted and created special effects and sound design for the 2002 Holden Monaro “Game Over”. Diving headfirst into the fast-paced world of our studio was a masterclass in creativity. Watching my boss create soundscapes for the film at lightning speed, I learned an important lesson: execute your creative vision first, then fine-tune it to perfection.

LBB> The job (ad) that made me so angry that I swore never to do it again…

Johnny> The project that drove me crazy was a 15-second candy commercial in the US. It went through 64 rounds of edits and was handed off to three different creative teams at the agency, only to be reverted back to the original music with a few changes. Despite the tumultuous process, it aired nationally and the payout made up for the pain.

LBB> The work (advertisement/music video/platform…) that still makes me jealous…

Johnny> The project I’m still jealous of is the AT&T Cloud commercial directed by Noam Murro that I pitched for back in NYC. It had the aesthetic of a Coen brothers masterpiece. I didn’t land that pitch, and my mind often wanders back to that film. The plot was just genius – set in a drought-stricken town, where the community is united in a field and a truckload of onions chops up to make a lone cloud shed a tear. Pure genius.

LBB> The creative project that changed my career…

Johnny> There have been several films and campaigns throughout my career that have had strong reference points. I couldn’t pinpoint any of them. AGL – Balloons, Fuji – Slow Dance, British Airways – Missing You, UN – Empower A Woman, Empower A Nation. And more recently Belong Brand – Prawn, Maurice Blackburns – Exhibit Ai and Black Wing – directed by Tim Main.

LBB> The work I am most proud of…

LBB> The project I was most recently involved in and which excited me the most…

Johnny> AMPOL “A to everywhere” Brand campaign. The creative process was very rewarding and everything was done in a relatively short space of time. The team at Saatchi & Saatchi that we worked with were great.

Creative freedom and attention to detail. The planets were favorable for this project.

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