
Public defenders in the state of Maine demand a significant salary increase

Public defenders in the state of Maine demand a significant salary increase

PORTLAND (WGME) – Public defenders in the state of Maine are struggling with a persistent backlog of cases and are demanding a hefty pay raise.

This week, the Maine Public Defense Services Commission released its budget request.

According to Maine Public, the amount will be $64 million over the next few years.

The commission requested $5 million to increase the hourly rate for lawyers who take on more complex cases or cases where public defenders are difficult to find.

Some commission members say lawmakers may be reluctant to give public defenders a raise, especially after their hourly rates were just raised from $80 to $150. But other commission members say it is necessary.

“Why would I take on a complicated aggravated human trafficking or domestic violence case with 15 separate charges in Lewiston when I can take on a major human trafficking case in Portland or Bangor unless I get paid better for it?” said Jim Billings, executive director of the Maine Commission on Public Defense Services.

“I could imagine some legislator or, frankly, someone in the administration saying, ‘Wait a minute, we just doubled the quota and the problems still haven’t gone away. We heard it’s because of the backlog and now we’re hearing it’s not entirely because of the backlog. So what’s going on?'” said Roger Katz, public defender.

The Commission’s Executive Director says there is a persistent backlog of 700 to 900 cases.

The budget will also be used to create additional offices and hire more staff to answer calls and mediate cases for the lawyers.

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