
Michael Rogers, co-founder and editor of Raw Story, talks about the implications of AI for publishing.

Michael Rogers, co-founder and editor of Raw Story, talks about the implications of AI for publishing.

Raw Story co-founder and editor Michael Rogers visited the set of Politics Done Right at Netroots Nation 2024 to discuss how AI is hurting publishing and why the Democratic Party is failing to support progressive media.

Michael Rogers, co-founder and editor of Raw Story

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The media landscape is evolving. Traditional journalism is struggling with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and changing economic priorities. Michael Rogers, co-founder and editor of Raw Story offers a candid and critical perspective on the state of progressive media and its challenges. In a recent discussion, Rogers addressed the existential threats AI poses to the publishing industry, the disheartening influence of establishment politics on media funding, and the need for progressive voices to take back control of the narratives that shape our democracy.

The AI ​​threat to journalism

Rogers begins with the growing threat of AI-generated content. He notes that AI is increasingly responsible for producing a staggering amount of articles, often with no regard for accuracy or journalistic integrity. These machine-generated articles are not just proliferating; they are flooding the internet, often at the expense of real, hard-earned journalism. Rogers laments that these algorithms are designed to produce content on an industrial scale, stealing and repurposing content from sites like Raw Historywho invest in real investigative journalism. The consequences are devastating: not only is the quality of information deteriorating, but misinformation is also spreading, especially at critical moments such as the upcoming presidential election.

This phenomenon is a clear example of how capitalism, when left unchecked, can undermine democratic institutions. The pursuit of profit through cost-cutting measures, such as replacing journalists with AI, undermines the foundation of an informed electorate. The consequences of this development could be catastrophic, especially as disinformation campaigns find new ways to manipulate public opinion.

The Establishment’s Role in Undermining Progressive Media

Beyond the threat posed by AI, Rogers also criticizes the role of mainstream politics in suppressing independent progressive media. He shares his frustration with organizations like the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and other Democrat-aligned organizations that fail to invest in independent media year after year. Instead, these groups funnel huge sums of money into platforms like Facebook and Google, where messages are often watered down or not aligned with grassroots needs.

This isn’t just a matter of misplaced priorities; it’s indicative of a broader systemic problem within the Democratic establishment. The decision-makers in these organizations are often out of touch with reality. They prioritize short-term gains and simple metrics—like securing cheap rates for ad placements—over long-term investments in building a robust, independent media ecosystem. This approach is short-sighted and damaging to the broader progressive movement that relies on media to educate, mobilize, and inspire action.

The need for a new progressive media model

Progressive media must break free from these establishment constraints and adopt a new model that draws inspiration from successful grassroots movements. Bernie Sanders’ campaign was a groundbreaking example of how to raise funds from the bottom up, using small donations to build a huge, popularly supported war chest. This approach should be the blueprint for progressive media. Instead of relying on a few big donors or corporate sponsors, media outlets like Raw History should build a broad support base among their readers. This is the model of our progressive media platform, which includes our blogs, media/radio programs, books and articles supported by this newsletter. Therefore, we ask those who can support us to Become a paid supporter our newsletter, which gives you access to all our books on this platform.

This model democratizes funding and strengthens the bond between media and audiences. By relying on small, recurring donations, progressive media can remain independent and true to its mission, free from the pressures of big money and corporate influence. Rogers acknowledges that this is not an easy path, but it is necessary if progressive media is to survive and thrive in the digital age.

Conclusion: A call to action

Towards the end of the conversation, Rogers expresses his deep concern for the future of democracy, especially given the challenges discussed. He urges his audience to focus their energies on mobilizing voters and pushing back the encroaching forces of AI-driven disinformation and establishment apathy. For Rogers, the fight for democracy is not just about winning elections; it’s about ensuring that the voices of the people are heard and that the media that represents them remains vibrant and independent.

Rogers’ insights are a sobering reminder that the fight for progressive change is not just political, but media. As AI continues to reshape the landscape of journalism and establishment forces seek to control coverage, it is up to progressive voices to resist, innovate, and build a media ecosystem that truly serves the public interest. The stakes are high, but with determination and a commitment to grassroots principles, there is hope that progressive media can survive and take the lead in reclaiming democracy for the people.

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