
Main Street Fort Smith calls on artists to “activate art” downtown

Main Street Fort Smith calls on artists to “activate art” downtown

Main Street Fort Smith is working on a unique art project that will connect historic areas in downtown Fort Smith, but it takes the right artist to make it happen.

The organization, formerly 64.6 Downtown, launched a call for artists on Tuesday (August 28) to apply to create a unique art activation on a little-used pedestrian path between Rogers Avenue and Garrison Avenue.

“We’re accepting proposals for a sidewalk mural or something with unique materials, anything that’s different from the typical mural,” said Amanda Hager, executive director of Main Street Fort Smith.

Downtown Fort Smith features a little-used pedestrian path that connects the north and south corridors of the historic Belle Grove neighborhood with the newly renovated retail and restaurant spaces of the Bakery District, the artist’s call to action states.

“To enhance the pedestrian experience, activation of this space will direct pedestrian and bicycle traffic to a safe crossing between two major highways, Rogers Avenue and Garrison Avenue, in downtown Fort Smith,” the call said.

The path was named “The Art Walk Connector” by MAHG Architecture and was one of several projects in Your plan for a better city center The project has been presented to many people in Fort Smith, including the board of directors of the Central Business Improvement District, which funded the study, and the Fort Smith Board of Supervisors.

The project was designed to include an entry plaza, art installations, string lights and an illuminated sign with the art trail, which would be located at the state office building and the Prohibition Bar. The artwork could be changed at regular intervals.

The CBID board had initially decided to take on the project as one of its projects, but Main Street Fort Smith was already working on a string light installation in the area between the buildings for the Art Walk. Hager said the building at 702 Garrison Ave., where two transformers must be placed for the string light installation, was recently sold, and she believes a plan will soon be drawn up to make the light installation happen.

“The light installation is another advantage for the artist, as the art is visible even at night,” said Hager.

The next step is now complete and you can begin your artistic work.

“Main Street Fort Smith seeks to provide the community with a unique art activation that deviates from traditional mural painting. We seek to utilize different media and/or angles along the sidewalk and/or buildings that engage the community in a new way and provide a fresh perspective on public art,” the announcement said.

According to Main Street, the proposed artwork will enhance the visual appeal of the site, serve as a landmark and wayfinding feature between two major downtown streets, generate excitement and interest among the community, and be an original work of art suitable for outdoor display.

Hager said Main Street Fort Smith expects to spend about $23,000 on the art installation. The company has applied to the Arkansas Department of Heritage for a $10,000 grant, the maximum amount for art grants under the program. The grant would be a matching grant, meaning they would need to secure the remaining funds to qualify for the grant. A decision on the grant will be made around Jan. 1.

“We will submit an application to the CBID,” Hager said. “I think we have a good chance of getting the grant because Fort Smith has had such great art installations and visual venues downtown in the past.”

Hager said once the Art Walk is completed, Main Street Fort Smith will talk with the state, which owns the walkway, about hosting spontaneous events along the way.

“It’s a great place for concerts or market stalls. Not only can we make it a safe and attractive route to the Bakery District, bars, restaurants and shops, but we can also make it a fun place with spontaneous events,” Hager said.

Artists’ submissions will be evaluated by a selection committee based on the overall quality, uniqueness and fun of the proposed artwork. The deadline to submit an application is September 12th at 11:59 p.m. Applications are limited to artists and artist groups residing in Arkansas.

Main Street Fort Smith is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating vibrant spaces in downtown Fort Smith through business development, arts and culture, special events, and the promotion of attractive amenities to accelerate the development of diverse commercial activities.

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