
Exclusive: The three fastest growing home accessories categories revealed

Exclusive: The three fastest growing home accessories categories revealed

The latest Strategic Insights/Home Accents Today survey shows that the three fastest growing home decor categories are decorative accessories, throw pillows and rugs (in that order).

The survey, conducted in June and July 2024 among retailers across multiple channels, found that the top three categories in terms of number of product lines offered were decorative accessories, lighting fixtures and accent furniture, in that order. Retailers carried an average of more than 20 accessory lines, an increase from the previous year, while the lighting line remained about the same with more than 11 lines and the furniture line with about 10 lines.

A few more tidbits from the survey:

Average share of total sales from home accessories: 32%

Average share of sales area for home accessories: 32%

50% of retailers surveyed sell home accessories online

About the data

The information shared here is based on a Living accents today Online survey of readers of home accessories, home and gift shops, interior designer-led retail stores and furniture and discount retailers Living accents today, Furniture today And Designers today. The survey was conducted in June and July 2024 and the results were analyzed by Strategic Insights. Due to the sample size, the survey results are considered qualitative rather than quantitative.

See also:

HAT Accessory report reveals top performing product categories

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