
How much weight you could lose if you ate just 100 fewer calories a day

How much weight you could lose if you ate just 100 fewer calories a day

By Prima

We all know that to lose weight we need to burn more calories than we consume. Simple, right? But if you hate exercise and have a penchant for chocolate, then you don’t need to…

But a new diet model could be the medical equivalent of a knight in shining armor, finding that reducing food intake by just 100 calories a day can lead to weight loss of around 10 pounds over three years.

Sure, it takes a while, but it means you can carry on with your life as usual without gaining weight and ultimately fit into the jeans that are still a bit too tight.

Health experts typically claim that cutting out 500 calories a day is the best way to lose weight. However, the author of this latest study believes that this is unrealistic for most people and will only lead to disappointment and binge eating in the long run.

Dr. Kevin Hall and his team at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases have developed a new model for weight loss. The Lancet Obesity Series, It assumes that if you reduce your daily calorie intake by 10 calories over three years, you will lose one pound. So the recommendation is that you could easily cut 100 calories to lose 10 pounds in that time period.

The study authors analyzed a variety of different diet plans and found that the body quickly adapts to a calorie deficit. This means that all diets with a similarly reduced energy content have a similar effect on body fat loss in the short term.

In developing their model for slower weight loss, the researchers also took into account physiological differences between people in terms of gender, age, height and weight.

This latest study follows recent research suggesting that the key to long-term weight loss may be slow and steady.

But what we all really want to know is…

What does it look like if you save 100 calories a day?

It’s easy to eat leafy greens as a side dish instead of a baked potato once a day, or swap a glass of wine for gin and slimline tonic. Or why not spread the butter off your toast in the morning or slice up the banana in the afternoon?

Essentially, you could cut 100 calories from your daily diet without really noticing. We think that’s a pretty good trade-off. And a realistic goal, too!

You can find further suggestions for a healthier diet in the “Healthy Recipes” section!

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