
Israeli police shut down Communist Party headquarters to disrupt anti-war activities – People’s World

Israeli police shut down Communist Party headquarters to disrupt anti-war activities – People’s World

Israeli police shut down Communist Party headquarters to disrupt anti-war activities – People’s World

Demonstrators protest against the closure of the headquarters of the Communist Party of Israel in Haifa. | Al-Ittihad

HAIFA, Israel – Israeli police and Netanyahu’s Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir have attacked the Communist Party of Israel and closed its headquarters in the city of Haifa in an effort to prevent the party from organizing activities against the war and genocide.

On Monday afternoon, the police summoned Reem Hazan, secretary of the Haifa region of the party, for a second time and questioned her about the actions of the ICP. After interrogating Hazan, they announced that they had decided to close the party headquarters to prevent the screening of the new film by artist Muhammad Bakri. Jenin, Jenin and to prevent meetings aimed at organizing actions against the war of aggression against Gaza.

The Communist Party and the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Hadash) condemned the measure in a statement, saying: “It shows the extent of the fascist practice that affects political and party work in the country that opposes the war and the policies of this government.”

The two organizations also stressed their disrespect for Netanyahu and Ben Gvir, stating: “The anti-war activities will continue until this criminal war against Gaza ends.”

Immediately after the decision to close the headquarters, an emergency meeting was held by the branch management in the city, attended by senior representatives of the ICP and Hadash at the national level, and numerous protest measures were initiated against the decision, including the organization of a demonstration on Monday evening.

The Arab-Jewish Partnership for Peace coalition said: “We will not remain silent about this attempt to silence the people and will not bow to the police and government’s attempts to suppress resistance to the occupation and the war. Fascism will not pass!”

Solidarity was also heard from the occupied territories. In a letter to the Communist Party of Israel, the Palestinian People’s Party stated: “All criminal reprisals are directed against the status, activities and headquarters of your party and Hadash. They fall within the fascist policies of the occupation government and the occupation apparatus against our people and against the forces that oppose war and occupation.”

The letter continued: “The People’s Party condemns these persecutions and all practices of the occupation and expresses its solidarity with Comrade Hazan, your party and your victorious coalition. It reaffirms its confidence in your steadfastness and positions and in your common and united struggle against the occupation and fascism.”

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