
Eat your way to restful sleep with these 7 foods recommended by experts

Eat your way to restful sleep with these 7 foods recommended by experts

Sleep plays an essential role in maintaining our mental and physical functions. It helps us build a stronger immune system, improves mental and physical health, and increases productivity. If you don’t get 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep per night as recommended by experts, you are at a higher risk of high blood pressure, a weakened immune system, and depression. In addition, other serious conditions such as diabetes, heart failure, or a stroke can also occur.

We try everything to sleep better, from taking sleep aids like melatonin to changing sleep habits. One area that many overlook in the quest for better sleep is diet. What you eat during the day and before bed affects how well you sleep at night.

Incorporate these seven foods into your diet to improve your sleep quality.

For more ways to improve your recovery, see our Wellness editors’ favorite sleep tips or see how sleeping with socks can help.

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How nutrient-rich foods help you sleep

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The following foods can improve your sleep quality because they all contain nutrients that improve health and therefore sleep. “Eat a variety of unprocessed, whole foods that are high in antioxidants and fiber,” says Josh Axe, clinical nutritionist and co-founder of Ancient nutrition“Try combining foods that provide different macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) to ensure you meet your nutritional needs,” advises Axe.

He also adds that it is best to not eat anything for two to three hours before bedtime so that the body has time to digest the food before bedtime. This also reduces the likelihood of heartburn.

In addition to macronutrients, Axe says some micronutrients can also affect sleep. If you suspect you’re lacking a particular nutrient, ask your doctor to run lab tests to find out more.

“It’s possible that a deficiency in vitamin D or magnesium can disrupt sleep. Some studies also show that people with deficiencies in vitamins E and C, as well as B12 and B6, are also more likely to experience sleep problems,” says Axe. “Each of these nutrients affects the sleep cycle in different ways, such as playing a role in your circadian rhythm and the body’s ability to produce melatonin and other calming chemicals.”

Yoghurt with nuts and fruits Yoghurt with nuts and fruits

Yogurt, nuts and fruit are examples of foods that can help you sleep better.

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Eat these 7 foods for better sleep

“Sleep-promoting foods include those that contain tryptophan (an amino acid that helps release serotonin), magnesium, vitamin D and complex carbohydrates,” says Axe. “Foods high in vitamin C and B vitamins can also be helpful.”

These are Axe’s top recommendations for sleep-promoting foods:

1. Whole grain products such as oats or quinoa

2. Proteins such as poultry and fish

3. Leafy vegetables and cruciferous vegetables

4. Free-range eggs

5. Bananas, kiwis, oranges, berries and other fruits

6. Milk and yoghurt

7. Nuts such as almonds and cashews

The importance of a balanced diet

“A balanced diet can help Regulate blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation, which is important for preventing pain and getting a good night’s sleep,” says Axe. “Getting enough Macronutrients (Carbohydrates, fats and proteins) also help your body produce calming chemicals like serotonin and melatonin, which help you feel relaxed and sleepy.”

Certain foods can help you sleep better if you eat them before going to bed or when you wake up middle of the night – but the seven foods above can improve sleep no matter what time you eat them. The key to good nutrition for sleep is a mindful, balanced diet. No one food is a cure-all, but these can help you get some much-needed rest.

Your diet may not be the only factor affecting your sleep. Learn how to Fall asleep faster by relieving anxiety and how to sleep better as sleeping habits change with age.

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