
Child Care Room: Kolkata Airport introduces child care room in arrivals area | Kolkata News

Child Care Room: Kolkata Airport introduces child care room in arrivals area | Kolkata News

Airport arrival area receives childcare room

Calcutta: The Kolkata Airport The authorities have approved the new Mothers Arrival with Toddlers at the airport of Calcutta from other cities, when they converted an old and empty office space into a Childcare room on Arrival area of the airport on Wednesday evening.
Mothers arriving at Kolkata airport with their young children have been demanding for years, to no avail, a baby changing room where they can breastfeed and change their babies while waiting at the baggage carousel for their luggage. The issue has been raised time and again by passengers and has been extremely embarrassing for airport and airline staff who have been confronted with such a situation. However, the authorities at Kolkata airport have not responded to these demands until recently.
“It was indeed a matter of utmost importance and when we realised this, we converted an office space that was recently vacated by a medical unit into a child care room,” said Kolkata Airport Director Pravat Ranjan Beuria, who took over as the new director two months ago.
Kolkata airport’s integrated passenger terminal, which opened 11 years ago, has five childcare rooms in the upper departure area with jet bridges and another in the boarding area for buses changing to the planes parked in remote bays. But there was no room for young children and mothers arriving at the airport after a flight until Wednesday.
“There was an urgent need for a room near the baggage carousels, which would have a table for changing the children, along with a wash basin, a couple of chairs and a sofa. In a terminal the size of Kolkata airport, there were enough dead spaces where such rooms could have easily been created much earlier. But lack of will and sensitivity to the needs of passengers meant that such demands were repeatedly ignored. We are glad that the authorities have finally realised this,” said an airline ground staff member, who had to tell several mothers that there is no childcare facility in the arrivals area of ​​the airport.

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