
New technology paves the way for efficient vitamin

New technology paves the way for efficient vitamin

Scientists have developed a revolutionary method to produce vitamin D3 (VD3), a vital nutrient for healthy bones and immune system function, more efficiently and purer. This breakthrough uses intricately designed microchannels cut into glass using ultrafast lasers.

These tiny channels provide exceptional transparency to ultraviolet (UV) light, the key ingredient in VD3 production. This allows for more efficient use of light, resulting in higher VD3 yields and lower production costs.

Traditionally, VD3 production relies on bulky reactors and inefficient processes. The new microfluidic approach overcomes these limitations and enables continuous production with significantly improved yields (over 20%).

“This technology represents a major advance in VD3 production,” said (name of lead researcher), lead author of the study. “It paves the way for more affordable and readily available VD3 supplements that will benefit both consumers and health systems.”

The microchannels are made of quartz glass, which was chosen for its excellent UV transparency and chemical resistance. In addition, the laser engraving technique allows precise control of the channel design, optimizing mixing and flow for improved efficiency.

The researchers also demonstrated the versatility of the platform by successfully producing VD3 using a range of UV LED lamps, opening doors for future miniaturization and integration of VD3 production into wearable devices.

This innovative approach has enormous potential beyond VD3. Its ability to perform complex reactions at high temperatures and pressures makes it suitable for a wide range of chemical synthesis applications, from pharmaceuticals to materials science.

Thanks to this cutting-edge technology, the future of vitamin D3 production looks bright. With its improved efficiency, purity and miniaturization capabilities, it promises to revolutionize the extraction of this vital nutrient.





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Funding information

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant numbers 12174107, 61991444, 11933005, 12192251, and 12334014), the National Key R&D Program of China (grant number 2019YFA0705000), the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (grant number 21DZ1101500), the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project, and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.

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