
Maya Denkmire (class of 25) shares her love of writing during her internship at The Telling Room

Maya Denkmire (class of 25) shares her love of writing during her internship at The Telling Room

Maya Denkmire (Class of ’25) is studying creative writing with a concentration in education. She spent the summer working at The Telling Room in Portland, ME, helping with their summer writing programs for teens. Here she talks about her experience and how her interest in writing has expanded to education.

Describe what you are doing in your internship this summer.

This summer I’m interning with The Telling Room, a nonprofit based in Portland, Maine whose mission is to “empower youth through writing.” Throughout the school year, they run residencies in schools as well as many after-school programs that give kids the opportunity to learn new literacy skills and encourage them to share their stories with the world. During my internship, I work at their summer camps (with topics ranging from world-building and map-making in science fiction and fantasy to comic book creation and essay writing). Under the guidance of The Telling Room’s teaching artists, I get to plan and teach writing lessons, exercises, and games, as well as help kids prepare for a performance of the texts they wrote during camp for their families at the end of the week.

How did Oberlin lead you to do this internship? (For example, was there a particular course or professor that inspired you? Did you discover a particular area of ​​study that you weren’t aware of before?)

Woman and child sitting in the grass.
Photo courtesy of Maya Denkmire ’25

I always knew I wanted to study creative writing at Oberlin, but it wasn’t until my experience in the Teaching Imaginative Writing course with Professor Rogers that I was encouraged to look for ways to combine my love of writing with my love of teaching and working with children. While in this course, I had the opportunity to teach the practice of poetry to the middle school students at Langston Middle School. This experience not only inspired me to pursue my internship, but it also gave me the skills and confidence that have allowed me to feel successful and well-prepared in the internship so far.

How does completing this internship fit into your post-college life and career goals?

After college, I would love to pursue a career that balances both my love of creative writing and my love of working with children. The Telling Room does just that by allowing children to express themselves through the art of writing!

Is there anything you learned during your internship this summer that was particularly notable or surprising?

Children at a table.
Photo courtesy of Maya Denkmire.

As I begin this internship, I feel like I have a much better idea of ​​the philosophies I want to bring to working with children in the future. The Telling Room has given me valuable examples of how to combine play and learning, encourage imagination, and meet children where they are to support their development.

If you are interested in a summer internship, contact Internship+ to learn more about how you can explore career interests, gain hands-on experience, and build a professional network.

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