
Patra Spanou picks up “Sugar Island” heading to Venice

Patra Spanou picks up “Sugar Island” heading to Venice

Patra Spanou Film has secured international distribution rights to Johanné Gómez Terrero’s coming-of-age story “Sugar Island,” which will have its world premiere at Venice Days, an independent side program of the Venice Film Festival. The first trailer has been released (above).

In the film, Makenya becomes an adult through an unwanted pregnancy and is forced to take premature responsibility for her body and her life. This pushes her to her limits and allows her to develop a new understanding of the society in which she lives and of her spirituality.

In a statement, Gómez Terrero said: “When my teenage niece became pregnant through rape, I witnessed how those around her shamed her instead of supporting and protecting her. At the time, I was immersed in research in the bateyes, the sugar cane workers’ communities. I transferred this family situation to the context of the bateyes and realized how common early pregnancy is in marginalized communities. During the making of the film, I delved into my own experiences as well as the territory and national archives, making connections between the private and the public and highlighting how the society we live in also imprisons us.”

Patra Spanou, Head of Patra Spanou Film, said: “By placing a Generation Z teenager at the centre of her story, the director creates a fresh look at the Sugar Island society, a young, modern, diverse, creative and politically conscious community. Makenya’s story conveys messages on migration, human rights, economic and social injustice in a modern, accessible mode, enriched with strong imagery, whether it is art performances, vogueing, religious celebrations or magical realism. A film that can appeal to viewers of all generations around the world.”

The film was produced by Fernando Santos Díaz and co-produced by David Baute. It is a co-production between Guasabara Cine from the Dominican Republic and Tinglado Film from Spain. The production was carried out with the support of DGcine, Fonprocine, ICAA, Programa Ibermedia, Primera Mirada and Television Canaria.

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