
Send us your photos from the start of school!

Send us your photos from the start of school!

School holidays are upon us across the region and we want to see your photos of your children on their first day!

Your images may appear on Action News.

Before submitting your photo, please read the following conditions:

By submitting videos or photos to 6abc, you represent that you have all necessary rights and permissions to grant us this license to use them, including the following:

  • You represent that you took the image/video and are the copyright owner thereof, or you represent that you are the authorized agent of the copyright owner. In addition, you represent that you have all rights necessary to grant us this license to use it.
  • You grant WPVI-TV, on behalf of 6abc, non-exclusive permission to reproduce, use and edit the image/video on all platforms and in all media (currently known or hereafter developed), including but not limited to broadcast, online, streaming and social media, for any purpose, including but not limited to promotional purposes, worldwide and in perpetuity.
  • You grant WPVI-TV, on behalf of 6abc, permission to distribute the Image/Video to WPVI-TV’s licensees, including but not limited to other ABC owned stations, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents and other licensees, for use on all platforms and in all media (now known or hereafter developed), including without limitation broadcast, online, streaming and social media, for any purpose, including but not limited to promotional purposes, worldwide and in perpetuity.
  • You understand that you will not receive any payment or royalty for use under this Agreement; that WPVI-TV, on behalf of 6abc, has no obligation to use, edit, or distribute the Material; and that you have no right to review or approve use of the Material.

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