
You’ve heard of an almond mother – now meet the woman’s “almond husband”

You’ve heard of an almond mother – now meet the woman’s “almond husband”

You may be familiar with the almond mom trend sweeping social media right now, but one woman’s statement has gone viral after she revealed that she doesn’t have to worry about her mother, but rather her “almond husband.”

Social media user Tess posted a video on TikTok (@tessplk) highlighting her husband’s impeccable preparation of fresh produce, the vegetables and nuts he eats when he’s hungry, and even his idea of ​​a delicious “sweet treat” – a banana and a piece of dark chocolate.

In conversation with NewsweekTess, 37, said her husband Marcel is “extremely disciplined about his diet” and pays attention to everything that goes into his body.

“He does intermittent fasting every day, which means he starts eating around 3 p.m., eats only healthy foods, tries to avoid artificial sugar and processed foods, and when I eat junk food, I eat it alone,” said Tess from Germany.

“He tries to eat within an eight-hour window, and when he feels like a snack, he eats dried fruit, nuts, fruit, pickled or raw vegetables.”

Living with an almond husband
Tess from Germany explains what it’s like to live with a man made of almonds. Marcel follows intermittent fasting, records his diet in a spreadsheet and only eats fresh produce.

@tessplk / TikTok

Intermittent fasting means eating only within a certain window of time each day, extending the period in which the body has burned calories and begins burning fat. Although it’s dangerous for anyone, Johns Hopkins Medicine suggests it may boost memory, improve heart health and prevent obesity.

Since the clip was shared in July, it has gone viral on TikTok with over 2.9 million views and more than 282,400 likes.

What is an almond nut?

The trend for almond mothers on social media is said to be due to a resurfaced clip from The. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. The clip shows young supermodel Gigi Hadid telling her mother Yolanda Hadid that she was feeling weak. Her mother advised her to eat some almonds and chew them thoroughly.

Many TikTok users have re-shared the clip to raise awareness about the dangers of extreme diets.

When Tess joined the trend with her “almond husband” post, she said it was all just a joke. She says Marcel is just interested in nutrition and healthy eating. While the almond mom trend is associated with restriction for many, Tess explains her husband is just trying to provide his body with good nutrients.

“I find it funny and can laugh at his almond antics. I’m glad that I can benefit from his knowledge and motivation to eat healthy, because otherwise I wouldn’t eat so healthy,” she said.

“He cooks and prepares food for me every day, and the only meal I prepare for myself is breakfast because he doesn’t eat it.”

Having an almond husband
Marcel, the “almond husband”, eats his first meal of the day at 3 p.m. and then snacks on dried fruit. Marcel attaches great importance to his diet and pays close attention to everything he does…

@tessplk / TikTok

Dr Charlotte Norton, chief medical officer at the Slimming Clinic, says intermittent fasting can create a “calorie deficit, causing short-term weight loss”.

There are different plans that people can follow when fasting, including Marcel’s, where he fasts for 16 hours and eats for 8. An alternative is the 5:2 diet, where people fast on a very limited amount of calories for two days per week and eat a balanced diet for five days.

Because it’s such a big change, Norton stresses the importance of getting plenty of nutrients from food while fasting.

She told Newsweek: “You have to make sure that every meal counts, so you have to be careful that you don’t just eat anything. The majority of your meals should be protein-based, so beans, lentils and pulses, tofu, meat, fish, chicken, yogurt (and) eggs.

“Eating more protein will help you feel fuller and less hungry while fasting. Also, eat as many green leafy vegetables as possible.”

Of course, it’s not suitable for everyone and Norton advises against intermittent fasting for women who are trying to become pregnant, breastfeeding or have type 1 diabetes. It should also be avoided by those with a history of eating disorders or those who need to take medications with meals at certain times.

“Basically, fasting has to fit into your lifestyle in the long term,” Norton added.

How did TikTok react?

After her video garnered so much attention online, Tess released a follow-up video about what it’s like living with an “almond husband.” In this clip, she revealed that he tracks his entire diet on a spreadsheet, grows his own basil sprouts, drinks seaweed water, and eats a plate of vegetables as a healthy snack.

The second video also went viral, receiving over 1.2 million views and 80,500 likes on TikTok.

Tess never expected her posts to attract so much attention online, and reactions on social media were largely mixed.

“It was very controversial and people either love it and are jealous of having a husband like him, or they hate it and say it’s a nightmare because it’s obsessive,” said Tess Newsweek.

“I eat literally anything and love having an intuitive approach to food. I just wanted to make a fun video about my husband’s habits to entertain people,” she said.

With over 2,900 comments on the video about life with an almond husband, social media users were fascinated by Marcel’s regimented lifestyle.

One comment reads: “I know this man’s gut health is thriving.”

Another TikTok user wrote: “He’s not an almond husband. He’s a healthy husband. You actually won the lottery.”

But it’s not for everyone, as one TikToker said: “This is my absolute nightmare.”

Another commenter joked: “My husband won’t even eat a vegetable without pretending I’m poisoning him.”

IIs there a health issue you are concerned about? Let us know at [email protected]. We can ask experts for advice and your story could appear on Newsweek.

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