
Veto Competition Results – Week 6 – Big Brother Network

Veto Competition Results – Week 6 – Big Brother Network

Medallion with veto power at Big Brother - CBS

Veto Day is back for the Big Brother houseguests. The competition saw six of the HGs compete for their chance at safety, overturning nominations or securing them as is. Read on to find out who won the Power of Veto this week on Big Brother 26.

T’kor is our new HOH and she sent Cam, Makensy and Tucker (voluntarily) to the block. All four competed along with two other players drawn earlier in the day, Joseph and Angela. This is the SIXTH week in a row that Joseph has played for Veto.

With Tucker having won three in a row, we know the other HGs must have felt that pressure to snatch a win from him. And as for Tucker, who was once again a foolish volunteer, I imagine he was anxious not to stay in that spot any longer than necessary.

Big Brother 26 Spoiler: Results of the Veto Competition Week 6:

  • cam has won the right of veto!

Wow, Cam decided to play today! So he’s definitely using the Veto and from previous conversations, Leah would be T’kor’s Renown plans if Cam comes off the block.

Sounds like there were prizes and punishments. Is there a solitary confinement punishment? We’re trying to figure that out. Yes, it sounds like Joseph will have to spend 24 hours in solitary confinement. Angela will have to do some cleaning in the yard as punishment. And Makensy won a trip to Hawaii. Nice!

The Veto meeting is on Monday and this will be the SIXTH time in a row that the Veto has been used this season. I think that’s a Big Brother record. Great! It always makes the season more exciting when it’s used.

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