
Bride reveals anonymous hate letter that a wedding guest brought instead of a gift

Bride reveals anonymous hate letter that a wedding guest brought instead of a gift

A newlywed admitted that she was quite shocked when she received a strongly worded letter from one of the attendees of her wedding. In this letter, the person made it very clear that he or she did not appreciate the ceremony at all.

Taylor Turcotte Pennington, a young bride, admitted in a TikTok video that she did not expect to receive hate mail in response to her wedding, but shared the bizarre letter that has caused quite a stir in her family.

She received an anonymous “hate letter” from an angry wedding guest.

“So, POV, it’s a few nights after your wedding, and you’re opening your cards and gifts and you come across this,” Pennington began in her video. The anonymous person who wrote the letter showed a screenshot of the letter in question and began by “congratulating” Pennington and her husband on their wedding. It didn’t take long, however, for the letter to get pretty snarky.

The unnamed wedding guest took a swipe at Pennington, questioning whether what she had could even be called a wedding or just a “rewedding/renewal of vows.” He went on to call Pennington’s wedding a “joke” and the source of many laughs from some of the other guests.

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They made fun of Pennington for having a crappy wedding and getting pregnant before she even walked down the aisle.

Pennington remembered that her husband found the letter before her and tore it up without her seeing it. Eventually, however, Pennington tried to glue it back together because she wanted to read it so much.

Pennington explained the backstory of her wedding, saying that she and her husband got engaged in November 2021 and plan to marry in December 2022.

“In March 2022, I found out I was pregnant,” Pennington continued. “We postponed our wedding to July 2022 and got married in a small, intimate ceremony with just our parents and siblings.”

With most of the costs of their original wedding date already paid and the deposit non-refundable, Pennington and her husband opted for a second wedding ceremony in July 2023. The second time around, they had a big wedding and reception, and Pennington insisted she had no regrets.

Happy bride and groom posed after the ceremony – Yuri A | Shutterstock

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That the letter suggests that Pennington’s two weddings were outrageous is a little ridiculous, given how common this is. Wedding etiquette expert Elaine Swann told Brides that these second receptions have long been called continuation weddings and are nothing new. She explained: “We saw this many years ago when couples eloped, came back and celebrated their union.”

Swann also added that a continuation wedding is no different from a traditional reception. “Treat this event just like you would a real wedding,” Swann said. “You are inviting someone to a celebration that you are hosting – and that is the very definition of hosting.”

Pennington said that not only did she receive a “hate letter,” but that it was also addressed to her parents.

In a follow-up video, Pennington addressed the virality of her first letter video, claiming that what was even crazier was that the same person wrote a letter to her parents complaining about having to attend both weddings as well.

“These were the envelopes,” Pennington said, showing a picture of the letters addressed to “Mr. and Mrs. Pennington” and “To the BRIDE’S PARENTS.” In the actual letter to Pennington’s parents, the anonymous wedding guest essentially repeated what was in the first letter to Pennigton, including his frustration over two ceremonies being canceled.

Pennington claimed she had an idea which guest might have written the message and how many people were probably involved, but she acknowledged she wasn’t ready to open that can of worms yet, especially given the internet.

Frankly, if this anonymous wedding guest was so put off by Pennington’s weddings, he shouldn’t have bothered attending in the first place.

It’s also amazing how some people forget that if you don’t have anything nice to say, just don’t say anything at all. There was absolutely no need to write scathing letters to Pennington, her husband, and her parents about a wedding that was now over.

It’s just petty and irrelevant, and fortunately Pennington didn’t take the letters to heart and was able to see how ridiculous they were.

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Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news and lifestyle writer whose work explores current issues and experiences.

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