
Author Morgan Wolf Chase’s new book, A Journal of Life, is an enlightening and heartfelt autobiography that offers readers spiritual guidance and emotional insight

Author Morgan Wolf Chase’s new book, A Journal of Life, is an enlightening and heartfelt autobiography that offers readers spiritual guidance and emotional insight

New York, NY, August 22, 2024 – ( – Morgan Wolf Chase, who worked as a counselor in a psychiatric hospital and left to open her own counseling practice, has completed her new book, A Journal of Life: an autobiography and spiritual guide to life, love, jealousy, sex, sensuality, forgiveness, and all the feelings and emotions you need to know about yourself.

“This is my journey and the truths I have found along the way,” writes Chase. “As I have achieved oneness with myself and shared my spiritual level with others and written down these life experiences, they are now in this book to share with you. We are born with spirit, mind, body and soul. We are born with the elements that are of the world.

“In the world, these elements are earth, wind, fire and water. Some say wood is an element. We are a body made of water.”

“I learned at a young age that it is not how you love that matters, but what matters is being loved. We are all part of a whole that includes not only the body but also the mind, the spirit of the world and the vibrations around us. As we journey through life, we learn to embrace and use all of these wonderful joys or what we call our soul, mind and body to learn to process all of life’s experiences. These experiences are who we are. They shape the person we become. Spirit guides us to share aspects of what led us down a particular path.”

Published by Page Publishing, Morgan Wolf Chase’s thought-provoking story is both a personal reflection and a universal testimony to the human experience. Whether it’s about matters of the heart or finding comfort in uncertain times, Chase’s words will ring true and profound, offering readers a guide to developing inner peace and fulfillment.

Readers who wish to experience this inspiring work can purchase A Journal of Life in all bookstores or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

For more information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

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