
Weekly Meal | Women First

Weekly Meal | Women First

We’ve all heard that “variety is the spice of life,” but the typical Western diet has become anything but varied. And experts say variety is exactly what our modern diets (and metabolisms) are currently craving. Consider this sobering statistic: Just six crops – wheat, rice, corn, potatoes, soybeans and sugar cane – make up a a whopping 75% of total calories People today feed on plants,According to a study published in the journal Functional and Integrative Genomics. This bland and boring approach is the exact opposite of a varied diet. A better approach: eating a diverse range of plants, as described in the new bestseller The whole body fat solution. Read on to learn how eating 30 different plants a week can improve your health and accelerate weight loss like no other diet before.

Why food diversity is important in our diet

Our gut microbiome is made up of trillions of good and bad bacteria that affect every aspect of our health, weight and mood. It turns out that the more plant diversity we have in our diet, the happier and healthier these gut bacteria are. In fact, a growing body of research shows that the key is to eat 30 different plants a week, says New York Times bestseller Stephen PerrineAuthor of The whole body fat solution. He has spent his career researching and reporting on the biggest health issues of our time. His main message? Anti-inflammatory foods – mostly plants – are extremely beneficial for weight problems. He explains: “When you control your inflammation, you control your destiny.”

Better gut health is the key to weight loss success

The simple, refreshing 30-plant diet strategy is not limited to The whole body fat solution. It is also one of the most important findings of the UC San Diego American Gut Project. Using this vast database of health data, experts know exactly how to build a better gut microbiome: one with a thick, protective lining rather than a damaged, leaky one.

Eating a large amount of different plant foods and fiber not only repairs and protects the intestinal mucosa, but can also lead to weight loss. In a Scientific American If you compare people on different continents, those who ate the greatest variety of plants 164% more species of beneficial microbes in their gut and 45% less body fat compared to Americans who ate fewer plants and carried more weight.

How a varied diet helps you achieve your weight loss goals

  1. Inflammations disappear. A healthy gut can suppress body-wide inflammation that leads to weight gain. Perrine says, “A healthy microbiome is the master regulator of inflammation.”
  2. Gut-brain communication improves. Experts have known for years that bad gut bacteria like Candida yeast can trigger sweet cravings and sabotage weight-loss efforts. But when the right variety of microbes populate the gut, they send happy signals to the brain that our hunger is satisfied. This essentially curbs appetite, like prescription drugs like Ozempic do.
  3. Calories are redirected. Scientists have shown that when the gut is populated by a variety of beneficial microbes, these bacteria eat up some of the calories we eat, so they don’t contribute to weight gain. Perrine says, “Stomach bacteria can make you lose up to 400 calories a day.” That could mean losing 6 pounds every month!

Results for the diet plan “The Full-Body Fat Fix”

The more plant species you eat per week, The whole body fat solution diet, the slimmer you will become. Vincent Pedre, MDAuthor of The GutSMART protocolalso recommends eating a range of plants. He calls it one of his “proven strategies that have helped thousands of people worldwide overcome gut problems.” He promises: “You will improve the diversity of your microbiome so you feel good and can prevent or even reverse disease – and even Lose weight in the process.” Just ask Jamie Leiss: She lost 48 kg by eating more plants – and lost up to 3.6 kg in a week!

‘The Whole Body Fat Fix’ It’s about diversity, not about individual superfoods

“I’m not talking about what every other nutrition hype machine seems to be obsessed with: superfoods,” says Perrine. He worries that focusing on superstars like blueberries or spirulina will give people tunnel vision and exclude the variety that is crucial for gut health. He says, “There is only one superfood out there. It’s the plant-based food that you not Eat!”

“Think of the wide variety of foods you can choose from,” adds Dr. Pedre. “This should prevent you from feeling deprived.”

How to calculate your plant intake on “The Whole Body Fat Fix Diet

Just add up your daily plant consumption and add it up at the end of the week to know where you stand. Good news: Varieties of the same plant — Red Delicious, Gala, Fuji and Granny Smith apples, for example — all count toward your weekly 30. “Although they share a common ancestry, they have a different phytochemical composition,” says Dr. Jim Germida of the Department of Soil Science at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. He’s referring to the complicated and unique “matrix” of all the good stuff in plants — vitamins, minerals, bioactives, antioxidants and other phytonutrients.

There are no limits to nutritional variety with “The Full-Body Fat Fix”.

The goal of a varied diet has also spawned a trend: eating more of what researchers at Stanford University call “orphan crops.” These are plants that have been largely forgotten by conventional agriculture. These crops are not mass-produced. They are often grown by local farmers and sold seasonally, or are available at local farmers’ markets or online.

Engaging with these lesser-known crops is just one way to learn about a variety of plant species you may have never tried before. Some crops that attract attention include yams, teff, persimmons, guavas, sorghum, cassava, grass peas, lablab beans and African eggplant. The list is endless. A group that Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Millet was even named orphan crop of the year.

Vegetable chili with 12 beans for complete fat burning

Try The Full-Body Fat Fix Diet plan for yourself

Ready to try a range of plants? For the For best results, simply follow these tips for a week while avoiding refined carbohydrates and sweets:

  1. Fill your plate. At every meal, try to fill your plate with 34 Plants – at least two different kinds. Then fill the remaining portion with healthy protein (25 to 30 grams per meal, including breakfast) and healthy fats from sources such as dairy, seafood, seeds, olives, avocado or nuts.
  2. Start with a protein-rich breakfast. Try a smoothie – with at least six different plants and a spoonful of whey protein powder – to satisfy your hunger and boost fat burning for the day.
  3. Make tasteful trades. We are all creatures of our eating habits. But incorporating this virtue of “variety” into your daily routine is easy. “It can be as simple as buying fruit salad instead of apples, or mixed nuts instead of almonds,” says Perrine. “Opt for a spring mix instead of spinach salad. With this one simple swap, you could quadruple the number of plants you have!”
  4. Mix better cocktails“Take something sinful and give it a soul,” jokes Perrine about using nutrient-poor substances like alcohol and enhancing them with a few botanicals. He suggests adding some fresh ginger to a rum cocktail, or garnishing a mojito with crushed mint, a gin drink with berries, or a Bloody Mary with a celery stick.
    Read more: How bitter vegetables and bitter liqueurs can help you lose weight.

Simple Improvements to Increase Your Plant Count on The Full-Body Fat Fix

  • Swap a side dish of black beans for a bowl of 12-bean chili
  • Swap wheat bread for multigrain bread with seeds
  • Swap steamed cauliflower for a vegetable medley
  • Swap fresh strawberries for mixed fruit salad
  • Replace white rice with rice pilaf with almonds and chickpeas

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