
Alicia Silverstone eats a fruit that definitely looks poisonous

Alicia Silverstone eats a fruit that definitely looks poisonous

I remember being told on one of my first hikes not to eat any fruit I came across unless I was 100% sure what it was.

I never got that conversation when it came to walking down a city street because, contrary to popular belief, I do not The silly, but it seems like actress Alicia Silverstone could use a quick refresher on the dos and don’ts of fruit found on the street, or in this case, in someone’s garden.

Silverstone was walking in London when she spotted a plant in the garden of a house that she could not identify.

Most reasonable people would do one of two things. They would either A) Google “plant” or B) do nothing because, let’s face it, who cares what kind of plant it is?

The Clueless Star chose neither of these options, but instead reached in, grabbed one of the unidentified fruits, and took a nice big bite.

“I just bit into it because it was lying on the street and we were debating whether it was a tomato or not,” she said, showing the fruit to her 4.3 million-strong TikTok audience.

“So what the hell is this? Because when you open it up it looks like this, and when I bite into it – I don’t think you’re supposed to eat it, but it tastes almost like a pepper?” Silverstone continued. “Does anyone know what this is? I need someone to tell me. I’m in England. Thanks.”

Seeing Alicia Silverstone stealing and eating poisonous fruit on a London street sounds like a fever dream

I think we need to pause for a moment. Imagine you’re living in London – probably drinking tea or watching a Benny Hill marathon (I’ve never been to the UK so I’m not sure what it’s like) – and then you look out the window and see Alicia Silverstone stealing some wild fruit from your garden.

“Uh, honey?” you would say to your wife/girlfriend/lover. “Can you come here for a minute?” Either the woman who played Batgirl in Joel Schumacher’s Batman and Robin steals and eats poisonous fruit from our garden… or you have to take me to the hospital.”

Silverstone’s wish was granted and some TikTok viewers with some knowledge of plant life in the British Isles identified the plant in question as a Jerusalem cherry, per The New York Post.

I wouldn’t have expected this from a member of the cherry family (I’m a huge fan of Bing cherries and when I feel like treating myself I’ll grab a bag of Raniers), but then again I’m no expert on English flora.

Unfortunately, they are toxic to them and can affect both the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system.

So it sounds like Silverstone will have to spend part of their trip to the UK familiarising themselves with what they call “the toilet”.

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