
32 years in the service of humanity

32 years in the service of humanity

“They will serve all people of all races and all religions.”

These words inspired Gift of the Givers founder Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman 32 years ago to give up his medical career and follow a higher calling to serve the world.

Founded in 1992, Gift of the Givers celebrated its 32nd anniversary this week, during which the company has positively impacted the lives of many people around the world – from home to Syria and Yemen.

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Sooliman said his spiritual guide, the Sufi Sheikh Muhammed Saffer Effendi al Jerrahi, told him: “My son, you will establish an organization. The name will be Waqful Waqifin, which translates to ‘gift of the givers.’ You will serve all people of all races, all religions, all colors, all classes, all political affiliations and all geographical locations. You will serve them unconditionally.”

Sooliman said that after receiving this message from his spiritual guide in Istanbul, Turkey, at the age of just 30, he immediately followed the call and continues to do so to this day. When Sooliman returned to South Africa in 1992, he gave up his successful career as a doctor and founded the Gift of the Givers Foundation.

This week, the Pietermaritzburg-based foundation celebrated its anniversary in various locations, including Zimbabwe, Syria, Malawi, Yemen, Johannesburg, Pietermaritzburg and Cape Town.

Ali Sablay, spokesperson for the Gift of the Givers Foundation, said this year is a milestone for the organization. He said the message given to Sooliman in August 1992 has been fulfilled and there are branches all over the world.

We are currently in the Western Cape celebrating with our teams. We have just experienced one of the worst flood disasters the province has ever experienced.

“This is a tribute to our founder, our board and all of our volunteers who have lost their lives in the line of duty,” he said.

Sablay thanked South Africans for the support they have given to the organisation over the years.
In the years that followed, Sooliman traveled to some of the most desolate, war-torn and catastrophic areas in the world and led relief operations.

Through his work with Gift of the Givers, he and his teams have responded to the needs of countless people affected by a range of natural and man-made disasters, including floods, famines, tsunamis, earthquakes and wars.

He has enabled the establishment of hospitals, operated clinics, launched agricultural projects, dug wells, built houses, developed an energy food, renovated fishing boats, offered scholarships, and provided food and shelter to millions of people.

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Emily Thomas, who has worked for the foundation for 16 years, said it was a great honor and joy to be part of an organization that works for the benefit of humanity.

“I learned so many values. I was able to live out who I really am, spiritually and emotionally. The best part was making a difference in people’s lives,” she said.

To contribute to the Foundation’s efforts, visit:

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