
MP Oscar Sudi gives Nuru Okanga 1.3 million shillings and a three-bedroom house

MP Oscar Sudi gives Nuru Okanga 1.3 million shillings and a three-bedroom house

Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi has shown a compassionate gesture to Nuru Okanga by granting him a three-bedroom house and a cash gift of Sh1.3 million.

This heartfelt act of kindness was made public in an interview on the prestigious Obinna Show, where Sudi stressed his commitment to improving the lives of the needy. In the interview, Sudi expresses his desire to help Okanga, a prominent political supporter, start a new chapter in his life. He instructs Okanga to select a suitable three-bedroom house in one of the ongoing affordable housing projects in Nairobi, stressing the importance of choosing a place that will best suit his family’s needs.

“Do you want KSh1.3 million? Give me your account details and I will deposit the money for you. As for the house, I want you to look for a three-bedroom apartment under the affordable housing programme. You could consider areas like Kibera or Mukuru Kwa Njenga. This house is for you and your children so make sure you furnish it properly,” Sudi explained.

In addition to the house, Sudi has requested Okanga’s bank details to transfer an additional 1.3 million shillings to provide further assistance. Sudi has instructed Okanga to find a suitable house and visit his office where a lawyer will assist Okanga with the available options and help him find a suitable property. Okanga, overwhelmed by Sudi’s generosity, has expressed his deep gratitude and reflected on the impact of this kindness. Sudi’s act of kindness is part of his wider commitment to address the socio-economic challenges facing his constituents.

The MP had earlier promised to “change Okanga’s life” after learning about his difficult living conditions, including having to shower in the open. Okanga intends to invest the funds in a posho factory, car yard, kiosk and furniture shop in his rural home, with about Sh300,000 earmarked for opening a salon for his wife. However, both Sudi and Obinna have expressed concerns about Okanga’s plans to start multiple businesses at once. Sudi has agreed to provide the financial support but advises Okanga to focus on the posho factory and car wash first and ensure proper management and stability before expanding further.

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