
Sound and mixed media art screenings at Area 61 Gallery scheduled for August 24

Sound and mixed media art screenings at Area 61 Gallery scheduled for August 24

Local artists Bob Fazio and Jaime Barks will be at Area 61 Gallery this Saturday from 1:00pm to 4:30pm, showcasing their practice and talent in live demonstrations of their art.

Mr. Fazio, a multi-media artist and former art educator, will set up his pottery wheel and will demonstrate the creative relationship and techniques he has developed over his many years of working with clay. Mr. Fazio is well known in Chattanooga, having taught art at Notre Dame High School, UTC, the Hunter Museum, and completed his teaching career at Baylor School.

“His specialty is making clay sculptures and pottery, but he taught drawing and color theory at all levels. He believes that all people have a natural gift for creativity and his work as an art teacher was to channel and shape that creative potential,” officials said.

Ms. Barks, an avid hiker, is bringing her trail art kit and will demonstrate how she captures the emotions of being in nature in miniature and how those special moments are then recreated in her studio. “Ms. Barks grew up in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains and the countless hours she spent in the woods are evident in her work. Her paintings are based on real places but are interpreted in a dream-like state through her distinctive style and color palette. Through her work, she hopes to bring people closer to her passion for nature by reminding them to stop and experience their surroundings,” officials said.

Both artists are featured at Area 61 Gallery and offer an ever-changing selection of works for purchase throughout the year. Their works are generously priced to provide access to collectors of all levels, encourage the gifting of original artwork, and educate the next generation of original art lovers.

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