
Political harassment by the NYPD violates the law

Political harassment by the NYPD violates the law

“All those responsible for maintaining the rule of law suddenly ignore the law as soon as it is broken by those in power and the mayor’s entourage.”

Political harassment by the NYPD violates the law

Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office

John Chell, chief of patrol for the NYPD, at a press conference in 2023.

Political manipulation by police is nothing new, but the NYPD’s recent social media tactics are so brazen they actually violate the law. Political rants. Call-outs. False claims. In recent months, the department’s top officials have begun using their official social media accounts to attack political rivals and defame members of the public. And in recent days, that pattern reached an all-time low with a blatant attack on prominent police reporter Rocco Parascandola.

The department’s main perpetrator is NYPD patrol chief John Chell. He has repeatedly used his official X-account (formerly Twitter) to attack protesters, politicians and even the press. He absurdly attacked Veteran scandal reporter Harry Siegel for his column in the Daily News and accused him of having “contempt for the NYPD.” He also falsely claimed that accused a judge who was supposed to “release an offender back into society” for a case she never actually presided over. Seeing the head of the largest and most heavily armed police department in the country abuse the city’s resources in this way is upsetting, but when Chell attacked elected officials, the tweets became truly criminal.

Earlier this year, Chell twice attacked Councilwoman Tiffany Cabán in long tirades on X. In March, responding to Cabán’s criticism of Mayor Adams’ threat to reinstate discredited and discriminatory stop-and-frisk tactics, Chell posted an attack on Cabán’s policies that concluded, “If you want change, vote for the change you want.”

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