
Sado Wildlife in focus | The surprising way crested ibises cope with the summer heat

Sado Wildlife in focus | The surprising way crested ibises cope with the summer heat

Read the full story on Japan 2 Earth – Sado Wildlife in focus | The surprising way crested ibises cope with the summer heat

On Sado Island in Niigata Prefecture, air conditioning was once unnecessary. But now global warming is leading to prolonged summer days where we can hardly do without it. The crested ibis, a special natural monument of Japan, also struggles with the heat during the day. The bird can be seen gasping for air to cool itself, taking short breaths with its beak open.

Do birds pant?

On Sado Island, temperatures in the summer are above 30 degrees Celsius at midday. Mowing the grass along the rice fields is an important part of agricultural work. Here, farmers reduce the use of agrochemicals to ensure that the crested ibises have enough food. But mowing under the scorching sun without shade is sheer torture.

Ibises tend to avoid foraging in the sun during the heat of the day and prefer to rest in the shade. However, when hungry, some will venture out in search of prey.

Crested ibises compete for good spots in the shade of trees to escape the heat. (©Fumie Oyama)

They can then be seen making a small noise with their beaks open. Just like dogs panting with their mouths open when it is hot, crested ibises open their beaks and take repeated shallow breaths to lower their body temperature. This behavior is called panting.

Read more the whole story To Japan 2 Earth to learn more about the unusual behavior of the Great Crested Ibis during hot summer days.

On our partner website Japan 2 Earth (J2E) you will find even more interesting articles on the topic of the environment and the challenges in achieving the SDGs that initiate a transition to a sustainable future.


(Read the article in Japanese.)

Author: Fumie Oyama

Click here to read more photo essays “Sado Wildlife in Focus” by photojournalist Fumie Oyama.

Fumie Oyama is a two-time winner of the Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association Award as a photographer for the Sankei Shimbun. After covering the reintroduction of the crested ibis into the wild for 11 years, Oyama left in 2020 to move to Sado Island. There he continues to photograph the ibis and other wildlife while also pursuing farming. He is currently promoting the charms of Sado Island as a photojournalist. Follow Fumie Oyama on Instagram.

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