
Hayden Gift Guide and How to Get Each Item – Destructoid

Hayden Gift Guide and How to Get Each Item – Destructoid

Of all the villagers in Fields of MistriaHayden is perhaps the most realistically suited to a romantic relationship with your character. He owns the farm next door (you can combine the acreage!), and aside from his bizarre relationship with a chicken, he’s got few flaws.

Of course, at this point in Early Access, you won’t get very far in romancing Hayden, or anyone for that matter, but you can get a head start and get him to the current maximum heart level of four to prepare yourself to woo him when the time comes.

Hayden’s beloved gifts in Fields of Mistria

Hayden's reaction to a beloved gift in Fields of Mistria
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As you might expect, Hayden enjoys farm produce. Apparently his animals aren’t performing as well as he would like, because he’s always happy to take what your animals give him.

Golden pet products only drop from your animals if you have a relationship of at least 8 hearts with them, but you may be able to get them by giving 100 shiny pearls to the chicken statue at Sweetwater Farm. Which is lucky because Hayden is nearby when that happens.

Gift How to get
Golden Butter Made in the mill with 2 Golden Milk
Golden Cheese Made in the mill with 2 Golden Milk
Golden duck egg Dropped by female ducks with at least 8 hearts
Golden Duck Mayonnaise Made in the mill from 2 golden duck eggs
Golden Egg Dropped by female chickens with at least 8 hearts
Pumpkin pie Chance to buy at Balor’s Wagon or the
Sleeping Dragon Inn or made according to the following recipe:
1 pumpkin
1 flour
1 sugar
1 milk
1 egg
Vegetable quiche Chance to buy at Balor’s Wagon or the
Sleeping Dragon Inn or made according to the following recipe:
1 egg
1 milk
1 flour
1 potato
1 wild garlic
Stone Horse Unusual artifact, can appear at any excavation site
around Mistria or in the mines

Hayden’s Popular Gifts in Fields of Mistria

Hayden's reaction to a popular gift in Fields of Mistria
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Again, Hayden will happily take away any animal products for you, but the key to his love also seems to go through his stomach, as many of his favorite gifts are meals and he has a weakness for fruit cakes and vegetarian dishes.

All of these dishes (as well as the ones Hayden loves) may be available at the Sleeping Dragon Inn, Balor’s Wagon, or Darcy’s Stall at the Saturday Market.

Gift How to get
butter Made in the mill with 2 milk
Cheese Made in the mill with 2 milk
Duck egg Dropped by female ducks
Duck mayonnaise Made in the mill from 2 duck eggs
egg Dropped by female chickens
mayonnaise Made in the mill from 2 eggs
Milk Dropped by female cows
Tea with lemon Made according to the following recipe:
1 lemon
1 sugar
1 tea
Coffee Can be found in copper treasure chests
Has a chance to appear at Balor’s Wagon
Purchased at the Spring Festival
Sold at Darcy’s stand at the Saturday market
Apple pie Made according to the following recipe:
1 apple
1 flour
1 sugar
Coconut cream cake Made according to the following recipe:
1 coconut
1 milk
1 sugar
1 butter
1 flour
Crystal berry cake Made according to the following recipe:
1 Crystal Berries
1 flour
1 egg
1 sugar
Lemon cake Made according to the following recipe:
1 lemon
1 egg
1 sugar
1 flour
Wild berry cake Made according to the following recipe:
6 wild berries
1 sugar
1 flour
Sweet potato cake Made according to the following recipe:
1 sweet potato
1 sugar
1 flour
Vegetable pie Made according to the following recipe:
1 potato
1 parsnip
1 carrot
1 peas
1 flour
quiche Made according to the following recipe:
1 egg
1 milk
1 flour
Pumpkin stew Made according to the following recipe:
1 pumpkin
1 onion
1 milk
1 rosemary
Dinner with mushroom steak Made according to the following recipe:
1 oyster mushroom
1 butter
1 cauliflower
1 beetroot
1 tidal salad
Stuffed baked potato Made according to the following recipe:
1 potato
1 butter
1 cheese
1 wild garlic

What not to give Hayden in Fields of Mistria

Hayden's reaction to an unpopular gift in Fields of Mistria
Screenshot by Destructoid

If you want to befriend Hayden or court him, you should definitely not give him the following items:

  • Waste products such as hay, turf, clay or peat
  • Any bugs (although he will ask if you wanted to give them to Henrietta)
  • All fish or dishes prepared with them (fish are friends, not food!)

Hayden also particularly hates getting a sushi platter. Apparently this one is worse than any other seafood dish you could give him.

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