
Her sister embarrassed her online for allowing her toddler to eat crab, but was then outraged when she wouldn’t buy her nephew a birthday cake » TwistedSifter

Her sister embarrassed her online for allowing her toddler to eat crab, but was then outraged when she wouldn’t buy her nephew a birthday cake » TwistedSifter

Her sister embarrassed her online for allowing her toddler to eat crab, but was then outraged when she wouldn’t buy her nephew a birthday cake » TwistedSifterHer sister embarrassed her online for allowing her toddler to eat crab, but was then outraged when she wouldn’t buy her nephew a birthday cake » TwistedSifter

Mothers often have different opinions than their children when it comes to raising their grandchildren. However, it usually doesn’t get any more dramatic than a few comments here and there.

What makes this story different is that this woman’s mother posted her criticism of her parenting on social media, and her comments were neither justified nor rational.

Read on to find out what happened next.

I celebrated the 4th with my in-laws. We had crab dinner.

I have a 2 year old who is not picky at all and loves eating the crab.

My son is two and his favorite food at my in-laws’ house was crab, while when I was their age my favorite food was baked cheese and sliced ​​hot dogs.

To save money, my parents always forced me to order from the kids menu even after the allotted time, so my family doesn’t agree with us giving him crab.

Things are about to get ugly.

When my mother-in-law posted videos of him eating crabs, my sister shared them, saying it was wrong to spoil toddlers that age, and posted the videos in her frugal mom group.

My mother also made a lot of comments about it and prevented my husband and I from seeing it.

My mom and sister think I should get over it, but we’ve since backed out of some family events and decided not to help them pay for anything.

But her family wasn’t finished airing their (allegedly) dirty laundry online.

This made my sister angry and she attacked us again on social media, calling me an ungrateful gold digger.

She said I will get what I deserve if my husband cheats and leaves me like men like him always do.

Is this possible?

Look at what people are saying.

That’s what I’m saying anyway. You can’t choose your family.

But that doesn’t mean you have to subject yourself to this nonsense.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Absolutely. Such audacity!

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Bingo and absolutely. Like all bullies, these people are insecure cowards.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

This also seems calculated. As if they wanted their child to grow up feeling unappreciated. How sad.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Why would they do something so sensible when they can troll like angsty teenagers instead?

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Thanksgiving is cancelled, okay?


If you enjoyed this story, check out this video of a former Chipotle employee revealing how the company cheats customers out of food.

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