
Alabama Rush: See Bid Day Photos of Thousands of Women Forming a Sorority

Alabama Rush: See Bid Day Photos of Thousands of Women Forming a Sorority

Hundreds of women rushed to their new homes in Tuscaloosa on Bid Day, an annual ritual that marks the culmination of recruitment week for the University of Alabama’s sorority.

Alabama’s Panhellenic sorority system is the largest in the country. Every year, thousands of women try to join one of the 19 chapters on campus. According to the college’s Panhellenic Society, more than 2,500 potential new members signed up for recruitment this year.

Alabama Commandment Day 2024

Sorority Bid Day 2024 on the Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Sunday, August 18, 2024. (Vasha Hunt | Hunt

The UA sororities have garnered a lot of attention, even getting a “Bama Rush” documentary last year. The #bamarush phenomenon has been strong on social media this year, too. And the online attention has also increased interest in the cottage industry of consultants, stylists and alumni who create personal statements, expensive and creative OOTDs and interviews.

Alabama Commandment Day 2024

Sorority Bid Day 2024 on the Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Sunday, August 18, 2024. (Vasha Hunt | Hunt

Alabama Commandment Day 2024

Sorority Bid Day 2024 on the Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Sunday, August 18, 2024. (Vasha Hunt | Hunt

Alabama Commandment Day 2024

Sorority Bid Day 2024 on the Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Sunday, August 18, 2024. (Vasha Hunt | Hunt

Alabama Commandment Day 2024

Sorority Bid Day 2024 on the Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Sunday, August 18, 2024. (Vasha Hunt | Hunt

Ellie K, who posted on TikTok about the quick recruitment, seems to have received an offer.

Alabama Commandment Day 2024

Sorority Bid Day 2024 on the Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Sunday, August 18, 2024. (Vasha Hunt | Hunt

Alabama Commandment Day 2024

Sorority Bid Day 2024 on the Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Sunday, August 18, 2024. (Vasha Hunt | Hunt

Alabama Commandment Day 2024

Sorority Bid Day 2024 on the Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Sunday, August 18, 2024. (Vasha Hunt | Hunt

Alabama Commandment Day 2024

Sorority Bid Day 2024 on the Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Sunday, August 18, 2024. (Vasha Hunt | Hunt

Alabama Commandment Day 2024

Sorority Bid Day 2024 on the Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Sunday, August 18, 2024. (Vasha Hunt | Hunt

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