
His boss refused to pay him and his crew, so he quit. Eventually he found a way to make sure everyone got paid » TwistedSifter

His boss refused to pay him and his crew, so he quit. Eventually he found a way to make sure everyone got paid » TwistedSifter

His boss refused to pay him and his crew, so he quit. Eventually he found a way to make sure everyone got paid » TwistedSifterHis boss refused to pay him and his crew, so he quit. Eventually he found a way to make sure everyone got paid » TwistedSifter

Working for someone who tries to get away with things he shouldn’t do and who thinks he’s better than everyone else sounds awful.

In today’s story, a person uses his boss’s terrible character traits to get revenge.

We all love to see it.

Let’s see what happens…

Short story. My father worked for the worst slumlord of all time.

The pay was phenomenal, he had his own company card, a free apartment and was in charge.

Most of the boys’ rental properties were in the most run-down neighborhoods, in run-down houses, and in areas with high crime.

His father was a hard worker.

My father did this for 18 years and I helped him quite a lot.

Not only did he take care of all the maintenance, we also had to take care of the lawn care and snow removal.

For 25 properties. Some units were single family homes, but most consisted of 3-4 units per property.

My father may have been a little sloppy, but not much, as there was always something wrong with a unit.

His father’s apartment became a pile of junk.

We did inspections once a year, and whenever there was trash in a condo that needed to be inspected, Chris, the owner, would have us bring it to my dad’s condo.

At some point it all piled up.

Now we could buy everything we needed to update a unit that, quite frankly, had never been updated.

We did our best, but Chris only wanted to do the bare minimum, so Dad was forced to hide things from the inspectors.

They told Chris that he would represent his father.

Anyway, my dad had a heart attack and died right in front of me, but we got him back and after getting a defibrillator and a pacemaker, he’s doing great.

The owner and my dad were very close, so I told Chris I could take over until my dad was better and could return to work.

My father encouraged me to do this.

Her father lost his job and his home.

On Father’s Day I had the defibrillator/pacemaker inserted.

Chris fired and kicked my dad out while he was on the operating table because he was so mad about the garbage on Dad’s ward.

Chris told him to put it there.

They continued working for Chris.

It was a ton and it took me and a crew a week to clean it out because we had an inspection there in a week. Two 40-yard tanks were filled.

After 18 years, father lost his home, his independence and his job.

And so, at my father’s insistence, I kept the job.

He has the responsibility now.

For three years I ran the show alone.

I did EVERYTHING. Installed carpet, fixed electrical, all the inspectors.

For three years, I secretly bought the tenants anything they wanted and they never checked my receipts.

Chris seems to have a big ego.

Now remember that Chris spoke to me and the tenants like we were scum!

My house cost more than his, but I believe everyone is equal. You are not above me because you own rental properties and are a lawyer.

I had four children, one of whom was disabled, and yet everything turned out well.

Anyway, Chris and I were constantly arguing about the way he treated the tenants and me.

He is a racist and feels superior to women.

He worked overtime so they could pass the inspections.

One week I had three inspections in one day. Each inspection was three units. So basically nine units. Our worst, nastiest units. So I hired a team to help.

We worked non-stop all weekend, until 6 a.m. on the day of the inspection. I even had to build a concrete wall in the basement to seal off all the crap that had accumulated there.

We passed all inspections.

He couldn’t stand working for Chris anymore.

Then he refused to pay me and my crew, claiming I lied about the working hours.

The owner NEVER goes to the properties. Some he bought sight unseen. These are run down, dilapidated houses that took ages to get back up to building code.

When he yelled at me in front of the tenants, I finally had enough and quit.

Chris demanded his things back.

I have all the equipment stored at my place including some junk from evictions. I have 10 acres in BFE.

He told me to bring him all his belongings and all the keys and refused to pay anyone any money.

So I went home, loaded up my car, and drove back to his office. He owns the building and rents out the other 20 offices to doctors, dentists, and other lawyers and is very careful never to make a bad impression.

He knew exactly how to get revenge and make sure everyone got paid.

So I drove to the main entrance and dropped off the first truckload of clearance waste.

He freaked out.

He told me if I came to pick it up, he would pay me and my crew AND I could keep all the maintenance equipment, which totaled around $10,000!

It was the ultimate revenge for me.

He certainly got his boss back in a very satisfying way! Let’s see how Reddit reacted…

This reader sums it up.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Here’s an idea for even more revenge…

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This reader applauds the OP’s kindness.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another reader says “Thank you” to OP.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

The slumlord had this revenge in mind for a long time!

Next time he probably won’t pass the inspection.

Did you find that satisfactory? Check out what this employee did when his manager refused to pay him for time while on a business trip.

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