
Support the SWP campaign! Workers need a workers’ party – The Militant

Support the SWP campaign! Workers need a workers’ party – The Militant

Why you should support and join the SWP campaign

Rachele Fruit, presidential candidate of the Socialist Workers Party in the US, and her running mate Dennis Richter represent the historic line of the working class, declaring that we workers must rely on ourselves and our abilities to fundamentally change the conditions we face.

In stark contrast, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris say working people should rely on one of them, alongside the two parties that have served the ruling capitalist class for decades.

Tens of millions of workers sense that there is something profoundly wrong with a social system that has led to declining life expectancy, falling birth rates, growing class inequality, the madness of “woke” values, greater instability in the world, and the threat of more and deadlier wars. They want to discuss the root cause of the crises we face today and what the way forward might look like.

The SWP candidates tell the truth about the two most important issues facing workers:

Every struggle of the working class is a political struggle – class against class. To face and overcome today’s crises, we must break with the bosses’ parties and build our own party, a workers’ party. It will strengthen every union struggle, unite all workers – whether organized or not – and mobilize all those exploited and oppressed by capital to fight for our common interests.

SWP candidates say that the working class in the United States can use its struggles to build the leadership we need and deserve to stand up to the most powerful ruling class in history. Workers can take political power into their own hands and join with their fellow workers around the world in the fight for a better world.

This perspective is being heard today because workers have seen in recent years how hundreds of thousands of people like them have used unions in strikes and collective bargaining to gain solidarity, stand up to their bosses, and build their self-confidence and class consciousness.

The SWP campaign offers workers the opportunity to stand up for what they for, not who you are against. Join in! Sign up to support Rachele Fruit for President! Share the campaign with your friends, family and colleagues.

Both bosses’ parties have taken steps to stabilize themselves and present a more unified and confident image. Donald Trump has united Republicans by saying he and his running mate, JD Vance, can lead a party that stands up for working people.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz claim to be the “united, happy party” anointed by Barack Obama. They make no mention of the Biden administration, but present themselves as candidates of “change,” just as Obama did.

WashingtonPost Columnist Jennifer Rubin, an ardent admirer of the Democratic Party, raved about its potential to attract support outside of liberal cities. “There are MAGA voters there, for sure,” she said, “but also biracial, college-educated Americans of all ages, orientations, and ideals.” This points to her party’s social base, which is increasingly dominated by the millions-strong upper-middle-class “enlightened meritocracy.” When Walz delivered his first campaign speech in Philadelphia on August 6, he made no mention of the economic crisis facing workers, focusing instead on gun control, student debt, the environment, social services, reproductive freedom, and attacks on Donald Trump, to which the crowd chanted “Lock him up!”

Harris and Walz both point to Harris’ career as a prosecutor and California attorney general as a great strength. But many workers have experience with the capitalist “legal system” and do not view the people who run it as heroes.

The “lock him up” euphoria reflects the Democrats’ years-long drive to put Trump in prison and ruin his family, thereby curtailing constitutional rights.

The Socialist Workers Party declares that the defence of these rights, won through centuries of political struggle, is one of the central issues of the class struggle today.

Trump offers no alternative

Trump says he speaks for the interests of the working class, but argues that the way to create jobs is to strengthen the position of US bosses. And he says the biggest obstacle to jobs for “Americans” is immigrants. This is false and only serves to deepen the division among workers and weaken our class and our unions.

Trump said at a press conference on August 8, “We are on the brink of a world war” and Biden and Harris “don’t know how to handle it.” In his platform, he calls for “peace through strength” and demands that the U.S. military be “the strongest and most powerful in the world.”

The danger of major wars is very real given the conflicts taking place around the world today. But the rulers of the United States are not a bulwark against war. They are a central actor in the conflicts between imperialist powers. They are striving to strengthen and use their military power to defend the markets, profits and spheres of interest of the capitalist rulers against all rivals.

While there are differences of opinion between Democrats and Republicans on foreign policy, they are based on common capitalist interests. They have repeatedly worked together on foreign missions – in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries.

The working class needs its own foreign policy, based on our common interests here and around the world. The way to stop the US rulers’ drive toward World War III is to build parties capable of rallying working people to replace the ruthless rule of capitalism with a workers’ government.

The key to this perspective today is the fight against anti-Semitism.

“The Socialist Workers Party is part of the continuity in the fight against Jew-hatred that goes back to Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Socialists should never support crimes against humanity in the name of revolution,” Rachele Fruit told the press three days after Hamas’s murderous anti-Jewish pogrom in Israel that left more than 1,200 people dead.

“Working people cannot rely on imperialist democracies to protect the Jews,” she said. “Washington and London closed the door to Jewish immigration before, during and after World War II. This fact, and the betrayal of revolutionary possibilities by the Stalinists in Moscow and elsewhere, led to Hitler’s ‘Final Solution.’ That is why Israel had to be and must be a place of refuge for the Jews.”

The Socialist Workers Party campaign is trying to recruit more supporters for the Fruit-Richter campaign. Their goal is to build a powerful workers party beyond the November election that can end capitalist exploitation and oppression once and for all. This movement is a must! Contact the campaign headquarters in your area, listed in the directory.

Support the SWP campaign! Workers need a workers’ party – The Militant
Click here to contact the campaign.

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