
The Democratic Party is a broken home

The Democratic Party is a broken home

It is now widely accepted that Vice President Kamala Harris is anti-family. Her stance plagues the entire Democratic Party, making her not just anti-family, but anti-family.

Democrats hold various positions that position them against family formation, whether it be on child care, the environment, immigration or marriage. But their family problem is not only manifested in their concrete policies: their attitude to the American political structure reflects the Democratic Party’s disregard for the family unit.

That is, the family is the fundamental political unit – as Aristotle explains in his policy. In the most obvious sense, it is because the people who make up a community come from a family, and this phenomenon sustains civilization. What began as a mere family has gradually evolved, through continuous iterations, into multiple levels of government working together as one large society. Its citizens learn order and charity within the framework of the family and then transfer what they have learned to the body politic.

The second reason is less linear and more concentric. Because family life is so natural to humanity, it “emphasizes the political nature of man”. Life in a family is the the most Naturalness is something natural, and so existence teaches it in all other areas. Natural it is not in a purely animal sense, but in relation to the human condition: a political life directed towards the common good of its members is far more convincing when one has one’s own family members as primary objects of benevolence. Likewise, the immediacy of the family is the attraction of democratic life. To pursue the same comprehensive and decisive goal with one’s fellow citizens, one must behave towards them as one would towards a brother.

Or even a parent. This is where the Democratic Party’s failures are most obvious. The public has no clear idea of ​​who is running the country, and that’s by design. After President Joe Biden’s major coup in the presidential race, the Democratic Party’s undemocratic practices became clear. White House aides lied about the president’s abilities for years, then cleverly replaced his nomination with Harris’s when the opportunity arose. Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) said it must have been the case for some time that “Harris is in charge,” and he’s probably right.


Although Biden should be our “housemaster” (structurally, but not optimally), appearances are deceptive. Statistics show that children without fathers struggle, and yet the Democratic Party is banking on a broken family life: the government structure, which is supposed to reflect the family unit, is a mockery of its predecessors. Like the family, the government was deliberately constructed. But the current administration does what it pleases and presents itself differently in public. If a family were to appear to be something other than it is, it would suffer significant private tensions. It would be working for what is outside itself rather than working from the good within itself. This administration is not a model for the family and, in fact, actively works against the robust concept of the family.

Perhaps their definition of “democracy” is elastic: it exists as “a means of extending new individual rights.” It is about the “doors of opportunity” we have to “shape our destiny.” With this rhetoric, they deny the immense freedom that lies in boundaries – boundaries that allow human beings to flourish and that illustrate the seemingly strict limits of the family. We see its sad reality in America’s troubled state. While the Democratic Party fights to undermine the democratic form it was given, it is impossible for it to have the best interests of the family in mind in a world where democracy is not a good thing.

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