
Study discovers alarming link between consumption of processed meat and development of dementia: “A significant risk factor”

Study discovers alarming link between consumption of processed meat and development of dementia: “A significant risk factor”

According to the Guardian, recent research has revealed a worrying link between eating processed red meat and an increased risk of dementia.

What happens?

As the Guardian reported, researchers presented the results of their longitudinal study, which examined the eating habits and health outcomes of more than 100,000 participants over a 43-year period, at this year’s Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC).

The study found a significant 14% association between eating processed red meat (such as bacon, salami, hot dogs, sandwich meat and sausages) twice a week and the later development of cognitive problems that may indicate (or lead to) a lifelong diagnosis: “By studying people over a long period of time, we found that eating processed red meat may be a significant risk factor for dementia,” lead author Dr. Yuhan Li said, according to the Guardian.

Why are these findings important?

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, dementia is associated with “a loss of memory, language, problem-solving, and other thinking skills severe enough to interfere with daily life.” As dementia progresses, it irreversibly changes a person’s mobility, personality, communication, and more – often straining the resources, relationships, and routines of those affected, as well as the loved ones in their support networks.

Dementia is a progressive disease, incurable and essentially fatal, according to the Department of Neurology at Columbia University. It is also a growing public health problem.

There are currently nearly seven million Alzheimer’s patients in the United States, and the cost of medical care and nursing care is around $360 billion, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. However, by 2050, that economic cost could be nearly $1 trillion – by which time 13 million Americans are expected to suffer from the disease.

The news is not a huge blow for processed red meat, which has already been linked to heart disease and colon cancer. The food category is also a major contributor to toxic air pollution, which can cause extreme weather, natural disasters, economic chaos and health problems – including dementia.

The Guardian highlighted two promising findings from the study.

First, frequency is important. Those two servings of processed red meat per week “appeared to increase the risk of cognitive decline by 14%, compared with those who ate about three servings per month.” Second, the study found that replacing “one daily serving of processed red meat with one daily serving of nuts, beans, or tofu could reduce the risk of dementia by 23%.”

What can we do to reduce our risk of dementia?

We cannot influence age or genetics, but we may Change your diet. Invest in your health (and your finances) once a week by replacing your usual processed meat with a plant-based alternative.

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