
Maintenance workers create a handmade gift for a customer’s cat who stole their heart

Maintenance workers create a handmade gift for a customer’s cat who stole their heart

When it comes to making new friends, one-year-old Goose is different than most cats; since her adoption from Pets Without Parents in October 2023, she has been known for her eagerness to meet new people.

“She is always very friendly to strangers,” Sophia, Goose’s mother, told The Dodo. “She is not afraid of new people and animals.”

Sophia Stein

So one day, when maintenance workers came to fix Sophia’s air conditioner, she wasn’t surprised by Goose’s tireless efforts to greet them. She ran after the cat to give the workers some much-needed space and was surprised by their reaction.

“I noticed that she kept getting in their way at work because she wanted to hang out with them,” Sophia said. “I apologized and asked if I should let them into my room for a while so they could do their work, but they told me they loved them and didn’t mind at all!”

Sophia Stein

Goose prevailed and spent the rest of the afternoon accompanying the workers as they repaired the air conditioning. They were still there when Sophia had to go to class later that day, so she asked her roommate Maysa to keep an eye on Goose as a precaution.

“Maysa told me that while the maintenance people were working, she tried to keep Goose away, but Goose kept running away from Maysa, right back to the maintenance people because she loved her so much!” Sophia said. “Maysa couldn’t keep Goose away, no matter how hard she tried.”

Sophia Stein

Goose couldn’t get enough of her new friends, and the maintenance people loved her just as much. Before the job was finished, the workers made a handmade gift for Goose out of a cardboard box to remember them by.

The “observation window,” as the workers called it, had a spacious entrance on one side and an emergency exit on the top flap. Inside, the workers wrote down a list of their goals and an incomplete plan for world domination.

Sophia Stein

Sophia didn’t notice the box at first, but was immediately touched by the gesture when one of her roommates finally sent her a picture.

“I thought it was so sweet!” Sophia said. “I was so happy that she made such a good impression on her and I thought it was a super sweet gesture!”

Sophia Stein

Of all the features on the observation window, there was one list that particularly suited Goose’s personality.

“My favorite part is definitely the to-do list of things to do before world domination because it fits her personality really well,” Sophia said. “If she could, she would definitely want to take over the world.”

Sophia Stein

Even though world domination was still years away for Goose, she made plenty of use of her custom-made crate. When she wasn’t jumping in and out or running at full speed, the wild cat was usually lying inside and listening to Sophia read the lists inside.

Thanks to the kind gesture of the maintenance workers, Goose had a lot of fun with her new toy for months.

Sophia Stein

Unfortunately, Sophia and Goose have since moved to a new apartment and lost Goose’s observation portal. But the playful cat is making the best of it by finding new boxes to play with.

“But none of them are that cool,” Sophia said.

Goose is making the best of it, as she does in every situation. And when the new boxes aren’t enough, Goose knows she can count on her mom to give her all the attention and love in the world.

“She is the most incredible cat,” said Sophia.

To help animals like Goose get the care they need, you can donate to Pets Without Parents here.

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